26 Jul, Friday
courses offered at egerton university

courses offered at egerton university

Today we look at the Approved courses offered at Egerton University.

Egerton University is a public university in Kenya.

The University has nine faculties, divided into fifty-one academic departments offering programs at the degree, undergraduate and postgraduate levels as shown below.

Courses OfferedDate Approved
Bachelor of Agribusiness Management2013
Bachelor of Arts2013
Bachelor of Arts in Communication & Media2013
Bachelor of Arts in Economics & Sociology2013
Bachelor of Arts in Economics and History2013
Bachelor of Arts in English and Communication2013
Bachelor of Arts in Gender, Women andDevelopment Studies.2013
Bachelor of Arts in History2013
Bachelor of Arts in History and International Studies2013
Bachelor of Arts in Kiswahili and Communication2013
Bachelor of Arts in Peace Education2013
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Religious Studies2013
Bachelor of Business Information and Management2013
Bachelor of Business Management2013
Bachelor of Catering and Hotel Management2013
Bachelor of Commerce2013
Bachelor of Cooperative Management2013
Bachelor of Education (Arts)2013
Bachelor of Education (Early ChildhoodDevelopment & Education)2013
Bachelor of Education (Primary)2013
Bachelor of Education (Science)2013
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Small BusinessManagement2013
Bachelor of Industrial Technology2013
Bachelor of Laws2013
Bachelor of Library and Information Studies2013
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery2013
Bachelor of Psychology2013
Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management2013
Bachelor of Science2013
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Education andExtension);2013
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture and HumanEcology Extension);2013
Bachelor of Science (Clothing, Textiles and InteriorDesign);2013
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics2013
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering2013
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture2013
Bachelor of Science in Animal Health Management2013
Bachelor of Science in Animal Sciences2013
Bachelor of Science in Applied Aquatic Sciences2013
Bachelor of Science in Applied Computer Science2013
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry2013
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science andTechnology2013
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science2013
Bachelor of Science in Criminology and SecurityStudies2013
Bachelor of Science in Dairy Technology andManagement2013
Bachelor of Science in Dryland ResourcesManagement2013
Bachelor of Science in Economics and Statistics2013
Bachelor of Science in Ecotourism and Hospitalitymanagement2013
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science2013
Bachelor of Science in Food Science andTechnology2013
Bachelor of Science in Foods, Nutrition andDietetics2013
Bachelor of Science in Geography2013
Bachelor of Science in Horticulture2013
Bachelor of Science in Instrumentation and ControlEngineering2013
Bachelor of Science in Integrated Forest ResourcesManagement2013
Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineeringand Technology2013
Bachelor of Science in Nursing2013
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering2013
Bachelor of Science in Soil Environment and LandUse Management2013
Bachelor of Science in Statistics2013
Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Enterprise andManagement2013
Bachelor of Science (Animal Science)2013
Bachelor of Science (Community Development).2013
Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science.2013
Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine2013
Bachelor of Science in Military Science.2013
Bachelor of Science in Natural ResourcesManagement2013
Bachelor of Science in Water and EnvironmentalEngineering2013
Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering.2013
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery2013
Master of Arts (Guidance and Counselling)2013
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics2013
Master of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice2013
Master of Arts in Economics2013
Master of Arts in English Language and Linguistics2013
Master of Arts in History2013
Master of Arts in Kiswahili2013
Master of Arts in Literature2013
Master of Arts in Sociology2013
Master of Arts Security Management2013
Master of Arts in Gender, Women and DevelopmentStudies2013
Master of Business Administration.2013
Master of Education (Curriculum and Instruction)2013
Master of Education (Educational Foundations)2013
Master of Education (Educational Management)2013
Master of Education (Guidance and Counselling)2013
Master of Education (Science Education)2013
Master of Human Resource Management2013
Master of information Science2013
Master of Information Systems2013
Master of Journalism and Mass Communication2013
Master of Knowledge Management2013
Master of Research and Public Policy2013
Master of Science (Agricultural Education)2013
Master of Science (Agricultural Extension)2013
Master of Science (Community Studies andExtension)2013
Master of Science in Agribusiness Management2013
Master of Science in Agricultural and AppliedEconomics2013
Master of Science in Agricultural Economics2013
Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering;2013
Master of Science in Agricultural Information andCommunication Management2013
Master of Science in Agri-Enterprise Development2016
Master of Science in Agronomy2013
Master of Science in Animal Breeding and Genetics2013
Master of Science in Animal Nutrition2013
Master of Science in Animal Physiology2013
Master of Science in Applied Mathematics2013
Master of Science in Biochemistry2013
Master of Science in Chemistry2013
Master of Science in Crop Protection2013
Master of Science in Dryland Agro-Pastoral Systems2013
Master of Science in Dryland Farming2013
Master of Science in Dryland Integrated LandManagement Systems2013
Master of Science in Engineering Systems andManagement2013
Master of Science in Food Science2013
Master of Science in Horticulture2013
Master of Science in Limnology2013
Master of Science in Livestock Production Systems2013
Master of Science in Medical Parasitology2013
Master of Science in Nutritional Sciences.2013
Master of Science in Physics2013
Master of Science in Plant Biotechnology2013
Master of Science in Plant Breeding2013
Master of Science in Plant Pathology2013
Master of Science in Pure Mathematics2013
Master of Science in Soil and Water Engineering;2013
Master of Science in Statistics2013
Master of Science in Water Resources andEnvironmental Management2013
Master of Science. in Soil Sciences2013
Master Programme in Limnology and WetlandManagement (Joint Degree)2013
Masters in Measurement and Evaluation2013
Masters of Agricultural Engineering2013
Doctor of Philosophy (Agricultural and RuralInnovation)2013
Doctor of Philosophy (Agricultural Education)2013
Doctor of Philosophy (Agricultural Extension)2013
Doctor of Philosophy (Community Studies andExtension)2013
Doctor of Philosophy (Counselling Psychology)2013
Doctor of Philosophy (Curriculum and Instruction)2013
Doctor of Philosophy (Educational Foundations)2013
Doctor of Philosophy (Educational Management)2013
Doctor of Philosophy (Educational Psychology)2013
Doctor of Philosophy (Guidance and Counselling)2013
Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics Education)2013
Doctor of Philosophy (Science Education)2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Agribusiness Management2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Economics2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Engineering2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Agronomy2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Business and Management(Course Work Option)2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Business and Management(Research Option)2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Crop Protection2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Dryland Agriculture andResource Management2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Dryland ResourcesManagement2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics2013
Doctor of Philosophy in English Language andLinguistics2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental andOccupational Health2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Food Science2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Gender, Women andDevelopment Studies2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Geography2013
Doctor of Philosophy in History2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Kiswahili2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Limnology2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Literature2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Parasitology2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Resources and Peace2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Natural ResourcesManagement2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Nutritional Sciences.2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Biotechnology2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Breeding2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Pathology2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Pure Mathematics2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics2013
Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Management2013