25 Jul, Thursday
Courses Offered At KMTC Lamu Campus

Courses Offered At KMTC Lamu Campus

This article is about Courses Offered At KMTC Lamu Campus. KMTC Lamu Campus was established in 2016 as a partnership between the KMTC Board of Trustees and the Lamu County Government. It is located in Mokowe district.

Courses are offered at KMTC Lamu campus

Below is a list of certificate and diploma courses currently offered at the KMTC Lamu campus.

Certificates and medical records and information
Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery
Certification in Registered Community Nursing (ECHN)
Certificate in Orthopedic Plaster Technology
Certification in Community Health Aides

Certification in Registered Community Nursing (ECHN)

Requirements: Grade C- average, C- in English or Kiswahili and Biology/Biological Sciences. D + in one of the following elements: – Physics / Physical sciences, chemistry or mathematics

Duration: 2 years

Orthopedic plaster technology certificate

Requirements: average grade c-, c- in English or kiswahili and c- in biology / biological sciences D + in one of the following elements: physics / physical sciences, mathematics, chemistry, woodwork, metal work, technical drawing, sciences of the house, agriculture, computer studies

Duration: 2 years

Certificates and medical records and information

Requirements: Grade C- average, C- in English or Kiswahili and D in Biology/Biological Sciences. D- in Mathematics and D+ in one of the following fields: – Physics/Physical Sciences, Chemistry, General Science, Computer Science, Agriculture, Home Science, Economics, Geography, Business and Business Studies

Duration: 2 years

Certificate in Community Health Assistants

Requirements: average grade c-, c- in English or kiswahili and biology / biological sciences. D + in one of the following elements: – Physics / Physical sciences, chemistry or mathematics

Duration: 2 years

Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery

Requirements: Grade C average, C in English or Kiswahili and C in Biology/Biological Sciences, C- in Chemistry/Physical Science C- in one of the following areas: Mathematics, Physics/Physical Science the body

Duration: 3 years
