26 Jul, Friday
how to pay land rent through ardhi sasa in kenya - step by step guide

how to pay land rent through ardhi sasa in kenya – step by step guide

This article is about how to pay land rent through Ardhi Sasa in Kenya. This guide aims at simplifying the process and demystifying the concept of land rent in Kenya.

Land rent is anchored on Land Act and the Land Registration Act in Kenya

kenya laws

what is land rent?

Land rent in Kenya refers to a periodic payment made by individuals or entities to the government or landowners in exchange for the use and occupation of a specific piece of land. This payment is usually made for a defined period, such as monthly, annually, or as stipulated in a land lease agreement.

Example: Imagine a Kenyan farmer who leases a parcel of land from a landowner for agricultural purposes. As part of the lease agreement, the farmer pays an annual land rent to the landowner. This rent payment is essentially compensation for the right to cultivate and use the land for farming activities. It helps generate income for the landowner or the government while allowing the farmer to access and utilize the land for their agricultural needs.

how to pay land rent through ardhi sasa in kenya

Step 1: Registration on Ardhi Sasa

Create an Account

  • To get started with Ardhi Sasa, you’ll need to create a user account. Visit the Ardhi Sasa website here and look for the “Sign Up” or “Register” option. Fill out the required personal information, including your name, email address, phone number, and create a secure password.

Account Verification

  • After submitting the registration form, you will likely receive an email with a verification link. Click on the link to activate your account.

Step 2: Log In to Your Ardhi Sasa Account

Access Your Account

  • Once your account is activated, you can log in to Ardhi Sasa. Use your registered email or username and the password you created during registration.

Step 3: Locate the Land Rent Payment Service

Navigate the Platform

  • Inside your Ardhi Sasa account, explore the platform to find the specific service related to land rent payments. Look for a section or category that pertains to land transactions or payments.

Step 4: Initiate the Land Rent Payment Process

Select the Rent Payment Option

  • In the land rent payment section, you should find an option to initiate your payment.
  • Click on “Land Rent Payment” or a similar description to start the payment process.

Step 5: Enter Land Rent Details

Provide Land Rent Information

  • This is where you’ll enter details about the land rent payment you wish to make.
  • Input essential information such as:
    • Plot or parcel number: This uniquely identifies the land you’re paying rent for.  Search for the parcel number or title number
    •  The amount you owe to the government will be displayed as land rent.

Step 6: Calculate the Rent Payment Amount

Some of the search results may include:

  • No pending land rent
  • Land rent cannot be processed – Contact customer care
  • Pending land rent list- All the pending rent owed since you last payed
  • Invoice issue – if paid invoice appears as pending contact customer care

ardhi sasa customer care

Working Days/Hours: Mon – Fri / 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Location Address: Ardhi House, Off Ngong Rd: P.O. Box 30450-00100, Nairobi,Kenya.


Phone: 0746 962239 /0794 067815 /0792 940224 /0792 940222 –

Verify Payment Amount

  • Ardhi Sasa will calculate the total payment amount based on the details you provided. Carefully review the calculated amount to ensure it matches your expectations.

Step 7: Select a Payment Method

Choose a Payment Method

  • Ardhi Sasa may offer several payment methods.
  • Common options include mobile money services like M-Pesa, credit or debit card payments, and bank transfers. Select the method that’s most convenient for you.

Step 8: Complete the Rent Payment

Follow Payment Instructions

  • The platform will guide you through the payment process. You’ll need to provide specific payment details, such as your M-Pesa number or card information. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the transaction, which may involve confirming the payment.

Step 9: Receive Confirmation and Payment Receipt

Confirm Payment

  • After successfully making the payment, Ardhi Sasa will display an on-screen confirmation message. This message serves as your official confirmation of the transaction.

Download Receipt

  • You’ll usually have the option to download a payment receipt directly from the Ardhi Sasa platform. Be sure to save this receipt as proof of your payment. It’s a valuable record for your financial and transaction history.

faqs about paying land rent via ardhi sasa in kenya

  1. What is Ardhi Sasa, and how does it help with land rent payments?
    • Ardhi Sasa is an online platform that facilitates various land-related services, including land rent payments. It offers a convenient way to pay your land rent using digital methods.
  2. Do I need to create an account on Ardhi Sasa to pay land rent?
    • Yes, you typically need to create an Ardhi Sasa account to access the platform’s land rent payment services. Registration is a straightforward process.
  3. What types of land rent payments can I make through Ardhi Sasa?
    • Ardhi Sasa generally supports payments for different types of land rent, including residential, commercial, or agricultural land.
  4. What payment methods are accepted for land rent payments on Ardhi Sasa?
    • Ardhi Sasa usually accepts various payment methods, such as mobile money services (e.g., M-Pesa), credit/debit cards, and bank transfers. You can choose the method that suits you best.
  5. Is paying land rent through Ardhi Sasa safe and secure?
    • Ardhi Sasa typically prioritizes security and uses secure payment processing systems to safeguard your personal and financial information.
  6. Are there any service fees or charges for using Ardhi Sasa to pay land rent?
    • Ardhi Sasa may charge processing fees for its services. It’s essential to review the fee structure on the platform to understand the costs associated with land rent payments.
  7. How can I track the status of my land rent payment on Ardhi Sasa?
    • Ardhi Sasa typically provides users with the ability to track the status of their transactions. You can check the platform for updates on your payment.
  8. What should I do if I encounter issues or have questions about my land rent payment on Ardhi Sasa?
    • If you face any problems or have questions, you can usually contact Ardhi Sasa’s customer support. They can assist you with any issues or inquiries related to your payment.
  9. Can I set up recurring payments for my land rent on Ardhi Sasa?
    • Ardhi Sasa may offer the option to set up recurring payments for your land rent, making it more convenient for regular payments.
  10. Can I view my payment history and receipts on Ardhi Sasa?
    • Yes, Ardhi Sasa often allows users to access their payment history and download receipts for their records.
  11. Is Ardhi Sasa available for land rent payments throughout Kenya?
    • Ardhi Sasa’s services may be available in various regions of Kenya, but availability can vary. It’s important to check whether the platform covers your specific area.

Land Lease Agreement Application

How to pay for land lease via Ardhi Sasa
