13 Jul, Saturday
top 10 Best Maternity Hospitals In Meru County

top 10 Best Maternity Hospitals In Meru County

This is a list of the best maternity hospitals in Meru county. The county has 464 healthcare facilities, of which 13 are approved by the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) to offer free maternity services.

Best Maternity Hospitals In Meru County

In no particular order, here is a list of the best maternity hospitals in Meru county.

Meru Level 5 Hospital

It is a public hospital that provides inpatient and outpatient medical services such as obstetric care, caesarean section, family planning, immunization, counseling services, and HIV testing. Location: city of Meru

Contact: 064 32370

St Teresa Missionary Hospital

The hospital offers free maternity, ENT, laboratory services, family planning, dental and general outpatient services.

Location: Kiirua

Contacts: 0727 811 041, 0702 065 486

St Anna maternity hut

It is a faith-based health center that offers free and reliable maternity services.

Location: city of Meru

Contact: 0728 790 687

Milimani Maternity

Location: Milimani area, near the city of Meru

Contact: 0733 965 754

Cottolengo Missionary Hospital

It is a faith-based mission hospital that also offers free maternity services under the Linda Mama program.

Location: Chaaria

Contact: 0719 159 407

Forest hospital

Location: along the Meru-Nkubu road

Contact: 0721 666 688

Grace Park Medical Center

Location: Union Square Building, Meru City

Contact: 0724 110 285

Meru Jordanian Hospital

It is a renowned private hospital offering inpatient and outpatient services such as maternal care, paediatrics, physiotherapy, urology, gynecology and general medical advisory services.

Location: Kambakia, along the Meru-Nanyuki highway

Contact: 0717 618 240

Tigania Hospital

The hospital is approved by the NHIF to offer free maternity services.

Location: Muthara, Eastern Tigania

Contact: 0729 871 664

Maua Methodist Hospital

It is also one of the hospitals approved by the NHIF to offer free maternity services under the Linda Mama program.

Location: City of Maua

Contact: 0724 697 053
