13 Jul, Saturday
top 10 Best Performing Secondary Schools in Kilifi County

top 10 Best Performing Secondary Schools in Kilifi County

This article is about some of the top 10 Best Performing Secondary Schools in Kilifi County. Kilifi County was formed as a result of the merger between Kilifi district and Malindi district. It has 74 high schools. Istiqama is among the top secondary schools in the region with an average of 7.9 and is ranked highest in the country in KCSE.

Best Performing Secondary Schools in Kilifi County

Here is a list of the top performing secondary schools in Kilifi County.

lstiqama Academy

Category: Private School

Location: Joe Kadenge Road

Ummulqura High School

Category: County School

Location: Malindi

Bahari Girls High School

Category: National School

Location: Takaungu Mavue

Ribe Boys High School

Category: County School

Location: Chauringo, Kaloleni.

Paul Harris High School

Category: County School

Location: Chonyi near Kololeni village

Moi Kadzonzo Girls High School

Category: County School

Location: Mariakani

Vitengeni Baptist High School

Category: County School

Location: Vitengeni, Ganze

Lutsangani Boys Secondary School

Category: County School

Location: Chonyi

Arabuko Forest High School

Category: County School

Location: Matsangoni

Ngala Memorial Girls High School

Category: County School

Location: Watamu
