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best paying jobs in kenya

top 10 Best Paying Jobs in kenya

Last updated on June 9th, 2023 at 08:57 pm

This article is about some of the top 10 best paying jobs in Kenya. We all dream of getting a luxury job that pays huge salary and packages.

However, getting that dream job that pays a high salary may not be an easy task.

It forces you to put in more effort to finally achieve your dreams and goals.

Your choice of career or field is also a determining factor that can affect your prospects of earning a high salary in Kenya.

best paying jobs and careers in Kenya


Healthcare professionals are among the highest paid in Kenya. One of the advantages of this job is that it is guaranteed that one will get a job after graduation or graduation.

The medical program at the university is 5 years long, followed by a one-year program.

The disadvantage of this job is that you have to deal with long working hours and various emergency calls. Most doctors and surgeons in Kenya earn six months salary.

Accounting and finance

According to a 2018 survey by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, the highest paid workers are those working in the financial sector.

Employees working in the private finance sector earn an average of Kshs 1,759,562 per year, while those in the public sector earn Kshs 1,703,860 per year.

Accountants and financial professionals are essentially the financial managers of an organization, so they must be paid a high salary.


Engineering is very broad and covers different areas of specialization. Now, some engineering courses, like chemical engineering, can take you a hundred years to get a job.

It is always wise to specialize in areas that can be marketed and can easily guarantee you a job.

Some of the best aspects of the specialty include; software engineering, civil engineering and construction.

These are the best selling engineering courses in Kenya. Engineers earn up to Kshs. 500,000 per month.


Pilots are known to earn high salaries not only in Kenya but all over the world. It depends on the type of airline you operate.

It is a job that has not been flooded due to the high cost of training which prevents many people from pursuing it.

Most pilots in Kenya earn over Kshs 500,000 plus benefits and other perks.

Building construction

Architects in Kenya earn more than 300,000 shillings per month. They are the people who plan, design and inspect the construction of buildings.

The architecture sector in Kenya is growing every day, providing a ready market for architects to showcase their skills. Some of the best institutions in Kenya known to produce creative professionals include the University of Nairobi and JKUAT.

Information Technology (IT)

It is a large field that continues to grow rapidly due to technological advances and emerging market trends. Many companies in Kenya often outsource IT services to keep up with emerging market trends.

IT professionals earn high salaries because of the valuable skills they provide to businesses.

No organization in Kenya can survive or function effectively without an IT professional or IT department.


Politics may seem like a “dirty game” as many people believe, but in the broadest sense of the word, it is a profitable field and a means of wealth.

Politicians in Kenya get huge packages and powers. This area does not apply to MPs, Governors, MLAs or MCAs. It is a broad field that includes political commentators, consultants, researchers and activists.

It’s a very competitive field that requires you to be smart, convincing and have good communication skills to win fans and followers.


Lecturers are usually academic professionals who are hired to teach full-time or part-time at institutions of higher education.

One of the benefits of being a teacher is the flexibility you can juggle your teaching job with your personal business, especially if you work part-time.

However, it is a tough field that requires you to have the patience to study to the PhD level so that you can enjoy the maximum fruits. For example, the best university professors earn up to 500,000 shillings per month.

Legal Profession

It is also a very lucrative field that can earn you six months of salary once you create and build your brand. Many lawyers in Kenya are their own bosses and have established law firms that offer a wide range of services to clients.

Notable examples of top lawyers in Kenya earning millions include; Senator Siaya James Orengo, Katwa Kigen, George Oraro, Apollo Mboya, Otiende Amollo, Cliff Ombeta, Ahmednasir…etc.

It depends on your efforts and hard work.

Advertisements / Newspapers/Media

You have to believe me that media workers in Kenya earn six months salary. It ranges from radio presenters to news anchors, camera operators and writers.

It all depends on your ability to command and attract viewers/crowds.

Popular media outlets in Kenya that earn millions include; Caroline Mutoko, Maina Kageni, Jeff Koinange, Jalang’o, There is a king…etc.

NGO/Civil Society Activities

Non-governmental organizations are known to offer high salaries. Many NGOs receive funding from donors, especially foreign organizations.

This may be the reason why they pay their employees so much.

Some of the leading NGOs in Kenya that everyone would dream of working for include the United Nations and its partners such as UNEP and UNHCR, USAID, World Health Organization, World Vision.

best paying jobs