26 Jul, Friday
how to become a safaricom mpesa agent in kenya today - 2 easy ways

how to become a safaricom mpesa agent in kenya today – 2 easy ways

This article is about how to become a Safaricom Mpesa agent in Kenya today. Becoming a Safaricom M-Pesa agent is ideal if you want to receive monthly income from commissions earned on M-Pesa deposits, or as a business or business you may want to add M-Pesa services.

To become an M-Pesa agent, you must meet minimum requirements, depending on the type of company. You will also get an M-Pesa agent till number and a store number, or more, depending on the agent type.

There are two main ways to become a safaricom Mpesa agent in Kenya today

  • Apply directly to Safaricom as an M-Pesa Agent
  • Become an M-Pesa Agent by Applying Through an Authorized M-Pesa Dealer

1. Apply directly to Safaricom as an M-Pesa Agent

Requirements for this type of M-Pesa company include:

  1. You must have a limited company with at least 3 companies willing to offer M-Pesa services under the same company name.
  2. The company must have been in business for at least 6 months.
  3. Minimum investment readiness of Ksh. 100,000 floats per exit and another Ksh. 100,000 for SIMEX (replacement SIM cards).
  4. You will also need to bring original and photocopies of the following documents certified by the Commissioner of Oaths:

a) Certificate of participation

b) CR12 form or equivalent form valid for last three months

c) Copy of IDS of Company Administrators and Senior Assistants as shown in the application form.

d) Copy of representative application

e) Copy of VAT and PIN if applicable

f) CR12 form or equivalent form valid for the last three months

g) List of points sold

h) Copy of representative application

j) Establishment rights for each point of sale

k) Evidence of a minimum of 6 months of business history

l) Six months company information and letter from their bank

m) Previous Police Good Conduct Certificate

2. how to Become an M-Pesa Agent by Applying Through an Authorized M-Pesa Dealer

This option is cheaper, but you must apply through a registered M-Pesa agent.

You can book M-Pesa shop services as a bundled line or as a non-bundled line agent.

As an agent, you must have a minimum M-Pesa balance of Ksh. 30,000 on your M-Pesa Till line.

You will also need to provide certain documents, including a national identity card, a valid license and business name, to obtain a subdealership line. The dealer may charge a small fee for goodwill before offering you a subdealer line.

There are two types of M-Pesa sub dealers:

1. non aggregated mpesa sub dealers

M-Pesa agents hire you directly to activate M-Pesa lines that you don’t have much control over.

The agent will not be registered as an agent with Safaricom and has all the right to decide the service he will give you, usually between 60% and 80%, but it can be lower than that. In addition, you do not have control over your money, the employer can interfere with your money and make you bankrupt. The agent may also decide that your store is not profitable and therefore may suspend the agent’s line without notice.

2. aggregated mpesa sub dealer

Safaricom is aware of the problems faced by sub-agents and therefore came up with this solution. Agent lines are registered directly with Safaricom but linked to an agent.

You get 80% commission on withdrawals and deposits, while the boss gets 20%. This fee is paid directly into the agent’s accumulated M-Pesa funds.

You control your boat and any dispute that arises between the user and a Safaricom representative is resolved immediately.

Note that you must make your checkout line active since Safaricom has deactivated the dormant checkout line.
