27 Jul, Saturday
KEMRI Research And Training Centres

KEMRI Research And Training Centres

Last updated on June 9th, 2023 at 07:12 pm

This article is about KEMRI Research And Training Centres.

KEMRI has six major research programs and various research committees which include;

  • Scientific Program Committee (SPC),
  • Scientific Committee (SSC),
  • Ethical Review Committee (ERC),
  • Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC),
  • Publication Committee (PC).

KEMRI Research And Training Centres

Here is a list of all KEMRI research and training institutes.

1. Center for Biotechnology Research and Development (CBRD)

The center is located at the KEMRI office complex in Nairobi.

The main mandate and objective of the center is to carry out biotechnology-related research on human diseases in Kenya and to contribute to the improvement of human welfare and health.

2.Clinical Research Center (CCR)

The center is also in Nairobi. It is an integral part of KEMRI’s organizational structure.

It has two divisions which include radiology department and CCR laboratory department.

3. Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (CIPDCR)

It is located in Busia. It was developed in 1947 under the name Alupe leprosarium. It was taken over by KEMRI in 1979 and changed its name to CIPDCR in 2000.

He initially focused on researching leprosy and other skin diseases.

However, its mandate has been expanded to include tuberculosis research, HIV/AIDS and STDs research, emerging and re-emerging disease research, malaria research, soil-borne helminths research and fungal disease research.

4. Community Health Research Agency (CRHA)

It is located in Nairobi. It worked as a medical research center before the transfer of government to KEMRI.

It was renamed the Center for Public Health Research in 1995. The center’s primary mission is to prevent and manage disease, injury, and other health problems through research and promotion of healthy environmental practices.

5. Microbiology Laboratory (CMR)

It is one of the oldest research institutes of KEMRI.

The center has laboratories spread across four districts in Nairobi within the Mbagathi campus and Kenyatta National Hospital.

It also has sub-centers in Kisumu and Kwale. Its mission is to carry out research on helminthic diseases, research on travelers and health research of workers in the hospitality industry.

6. Center for Research on Respiratory Diseases (CRDR)

Located in Nairobi, the center’s main mission is to conduct research on respiratory diseases and produce research results that will be applied to improve lung health in Kenya.

7. Center for Traditional Medicine and Drug Research (CTMDR)

The center is in Nairobi.

Its main task is to conduct research to support traditional medicine in Kenya and ensure the quality of traditional medicine.

The company is headed by a director who oversees five units namely; Chemical science, biological science, medical science, botanical science and management.

8. Center for Global Health Research (CGHR)

It was established in 1984 and is located in the city of Kisumu.

The center has conducted research focused on drug efficacy testing, drug development and vector control, epidemiology, molecular biology, vector biology, climate and human health, malaria vaccine trials, malaria in pregnancy, malaria interactions and HIV, schistosomiasis, tuberculosis, childbirth, health and the relationship between HIV and other infectious diseases.

9. Center for Virus Research (CVR)

It is the oldest center in KEMRI. It has 8 laboratories in the KEMRI headquarters and a research campus within the Kenyatta National Hospital campus.

The mission of the center is to improve human health and quality of life through virology research, research, outbreak detection, response and policy development, service delivery and capacity building.

10. Geographic Medicine Research Center (CGMRC)

The center is in the coastal town of Kilifi.

He conducts integrated epidemiological, social, laboratory and clinical research alike with results feeding into national and international health policy.

11. East and Southern Africa International Pest Control Center (ESACIPAC)

It is located in Nairobi and was established in 2001, with the main objective of coordinating school health care in the eastern and southern regions of Africa under the Global Pest Control Initiative.

12. KEMRI Graduate School of Health Sciences (KGSHS)

It was established by the KEMRI Board of Trustees in 1992, to train graduate students in medical research through the facilities of the established medical research facilities in the institution.

It offers a public health program, a biomedical science program, and a medicinal chemistry program.
