22 Jul, Monday
list of elected mps in machacos county 2022

list of elected mps in machacos county 2022

Last updated on June 9th, 2023 at 10:00 pm

Above is one of the MPs from Machakos County, Hon Vincent Musyoka

This is a list of elected mps in machacos county 2022, after elections.

Machakos County has eight constituencies; Masinga, Yatta, Kangundo, Onion, Kathiani, Aka, Machakos Town and River.

Governor Wavinya Ndeti leads the county.

MasingaJoshua Mbithi MutuaIndependent
YattaRobert Ngui BasilWiper
KangundoFabian Kyule MuliGDDP
MatunguluStephen Mutinda MuleWiper
KathianiRobert MbuiWiper
MavokoPatrick Makau King’olaWDM–K
Machakos TownCaleb Mutiso MuleMaendeleo Chap Chap
MwalaVincent Musyoka MusauUDA