14 Jul, Sunday
Smart Champions Sacco Branches In Kenya

Smart Champions Sacco Branches In Kenya

Last updated on June 9th, 2023 at 10:20 pm

These are the Smart Champions Sacco branches in Kenya. Smart Champions is one of the largest depository institutions in Kenya with an asset base of over $0.37 billion.

With almost 30 years of experience, Sacco shares the visionary spirit of entrepreneurs.

Its customized service, well-designed content, clear pricing, qualified experience and flexible team can help you grow your business.

It is fully registered with the Sacco Companies Regulatory Authority and strives to be the number one financial partner that meets the needs of members in an efficient and timely manner.

Sacco staff are enthusiastic, motivated and ready to serve customers well. The Sacco offers a variety of products that meet the financial needs of customers, making it a full-service Sacco in strength.

This product line includes commercial banking, loan deposits, payment services and private banking exclusively for the individual.

Smart Champions Sacco Branches In Kenya

1. Gatimbi Branch

Location: Kirimi Building, Opposite Evakil Hardware, Meru County.

Contact: 0716 461 752.


2. Kithaku Branch

Location: Opposite Kithaku Horticultural Market, Meru County.

Contact: 0717 884 599.


3. Githongo Branch

Location: Muranene Building, Next to Githongo Law Courts, Meru County.

Contact: 0713 951 182.


4. Chaaria Branch

Location: Mmbijiwe Ngaku Building, Along Mati Road, Chaaria Market, Meru County.

Contact: 0710 887 661.


Smart champions SAcco products and services

1. services

  • Insurance services.
  • Microfinance.
  • Mobile banking/ mpesa services.
  • Safe deposits.
  • Safe custody of valuables and assets at a fee. This includes documents such as title deeds, academic certificates, marriage certificate and logbooks.
  • Agency banking.
  • ATM services.
  • Agribusiness.
  • Bankers cheques.
  • Cash collection (point of sale).

2. Savings Products

  • Fixed account.
  • Biashara account.
  • School fees account.
  • Mtoto account.

3. Advance Facilities

  • Salary advance.
  • Maziwa advance.
  • Tea advance.
  • Mobile advance.

4. Loan Products

  • Development loan.
  • School fees loan.
  • Emergency loans.
  • Boda Boda loans.
  • Tea loan.
  • Maziwa loan.
  • Agribusiness loans.