23 Jul, Tuesday
top 15 Best Performing Secondary Schools in Nyandarua County

top 15 Best Performing Secondary Schools in Nyandarua County

This article is about top 15 best performing secondary schools in Nyandarua County. The capital and largest town of Nyandarua County is Ol Kalou. The top performing school in Nyandarua County in the KCSE examination had an average score of 10.05 and is among the top in the country.

Best Performing Secondary Schools in Nyandarua County

This is a list of the top performing secondary schools in Nyandarua County.

Kisima Mixed Secondary School

Category: Private School

Location: Outside Nyahururu Town

Nyandarua High School

Category: National School

Status: Ol Kalou

Karima Girls High School

Category: Extra County School

Location: Kinangop

Nyahururu High School

Category: Extra County School

Location: Ndaragwa Constituency in Nyahururu

Elite Senior 

Category: Private School

Place: Nyahururu Place

Heni secondary School

Category: Extra County School

Location: Mugumo location in Kinangop area

Nyahururu Highway Schools

Category: Private School

Location: Ndaragwa sub-county

Njabini Boys High School

Category: Extra County School

Location: Next to Njabini Catholic Parish, South Kinangop, Njabini

Leshau Boys High School

Category: Extra County School

Location: Ndaragwa near Nyahururu town, Ndaragwa district

Kipipiri High School

Category: Sub-County Schools

Location: Miharati

St. Anuarite Girls’ High School

Category: Private School

Location: Kinangop constituency in Njabini

Magomano High School

Category: Sub-County Schools

Location: North Kinangop is near North Kinangop village

Ndaragwa Girls High School

Category: Extra County School

Location: Ndaragwa near Nyahururu town

Foothill High School

Category: Extra County School

Location: Miharati, Kipipiri

Pioneer School 

Category: Private School

Location: Ndaragwa near Ndaragwa town, Ndaragwa constituency
