10 Jul, Wednesday
top 21 best Container Freight Stations cfs in mombasa kenya

top 21 best Container Freight Stations cfs in mombasa kenya

This is a list of 21 best Container Freight Stations CFS in Mombasa Kenya.

These are warehouses where goods are assembled or not assembled before export or import.

Consolidation involves combining shipments into one truck while deconsolidation breaks shipments into many smaller packages.

CFS stores goods for import and export.

best Container Freight Stations CFS in Mombasa Kenya

These cargo ships play an important role in terminating the port of Mombasa, Kenya’s shipping gateway to the world.

1. Mombasa container terminal (MCT)

Location: Port Reitz, Port Reitz Road,

Contact information: +254 734 550055

2. CFS African Line

Location: Jomvu

3. Great Lakes Port CFS

Location: Jomvu

Contact: 0716 563 521; 0729 812 212; +254 020 2607 655

4. Consolbase I

Location: Changamwe

Contact: +254 20 514 3000 +254 733 494 444

5. Siginon Freight Ltd

Location: Miritini

Contact information: 0726 617478, 0786 617478

6. Focus Cfs

Location: Kipevu Port/Area

Contact information: 020 217 1576, 020 217 1577

7. Compact cfs

Location: Miritini

Contact: +254 716 430 693, 0736 430 693

8. Awanad CFS

Location: Mikandani

Contact information: 0726 366028

9. regional Logistics

Location: Miritini

Contact information: +254 791 478 547, +254 732 839 906

10. Portside Freight Terminals

Location: Majengo off Zanzibar Rd Shimanzi near Mvita Port

Contact: 020 2039642

11. Kencont cfs

Location: Off Mbaraki Road, Mombasa opposite KPA Mbaraki Sports Club

Contact: 0729403652, 041-2314171

12. Boss Freight Terminal Ltd

Location: Majengo, Mbaraki Road, Mvita

Contact: 0727 640000

13. Multiple Inland Container Depot

Location: ICD Multiple Complex, Kibarani

Contact: +254 730 740000, +254 20 2317782


Lieu: Kibarani

Contact: +254 722 213 599, +254 794 or 34 343

15. Mitchellcott I

Name: Shimanzi

Contact: +254 722 831 404

16. Mitchellcott II

Status: Kibarani

Contact information: +254 730 111 111

17. Mombasa Island Cargo Terminal Ltd

Location: Makupa

Contact: 0732007858

18. Autoports Freight Terminals Ltd

Location: Kipevu, Mozambique Road, Mombasa

Contact: +254 41-2318040/ +254 706 533444

19. Consolbase II

Location: Changamwe

Contact: +254 20 514 3000 +254 733 494 444

20. Interpel CFS

Location: Kipevu District

Contact: (+254) 0727 998 811, (+254) 0738 866 747

21. Makupa Transit Shade CFS

Location: Msaada Avenue, Mombasa

Contact: 0708 424261
