27 Jul, Saturday
14 Xplico Insurance Products in Kenya

14 Xplico Insurance Products in Kenya

This post is about Xplico Insurance Products in Kenya. It is one of the 56 insurance companies licensed in Kenya by the Insurance Regulatory Authority. The company has been operating in Kenya since 2010 and mainly offers business and automobile insurance.

Xplico Insurance Products in Kenya

  • Car insurance products
  • corporate insurance products

a) 6 xplico Car insurance products

Wedding insurance

  • All Risks – Covers loss or damage to the motorcycle and its accessories and spare parts, including any liability that the insured is legally obligated to pay.
  • Fire and theft by third parties: Covers loss or fire damage to the motorcycle and its accessories and spare parts, including all accessories and spare parts, including any liability which the insured may be legally required to pay.
  • Towards third parties only: covers the liability that the insured may be obliged by law to pay for the use of the motorcycle.

PSV Matatu Insurance

This is a tailor-made third party policy that covers liability that the insured may be legally obliged to pay for the use of the motor vehicle.

Tuk Tuk Insurance

  • All Risks – Covers loss or damage to the TukTuk and its accessories and spare parts, including any liability that the insured is legally obliged to pay.
  • Fire and theft by third parties: covers loss or damage by fire to the Tuk Tuk and its accessories and spare parts, including all accessories and spare parts, including any liability which the insured may be legally obliged to pay .
  • For third parties only: covers the liability that the insured may be legally obliged to pay for using the Tuk Tuk.

motorcycle insurance


  • All Risks – Covers loss or damage to the motorcycle and its accessories and spare parts, including any liability that the insured is legally obligated to pay.
  • Fire and theft by third parties: Covers loss or fire damage to the motorcycle and its accessories and spare parts, including all accessories and spare parts, including any liability which the insured may be legally required to pay.
  • Towards third parties only: covers the liability that the insured may be obliged by law to pay for the use of the motorcycle.

Private automobile/car insurance

This policy covers loss or damage to the vehicle and its accessories, including legal liability to third parties and passengers in the event of death or personal injury resulting from the use of the motor vehicle.


  • All Risks – Covers loss or damage to the motor vehicle and its accessories and spare parts, including any liability that the insured is legally obligated to pay.
  • Fire and theft from third parties: covers loss or damage by fire to the motor vehicle and its accessories and spare parts, including all accessories and spare parts, including any liability which the insured may be required by law to pay.
  • Towards third parties only: covers the liability that the insured may be required by law to pay through the use of the motor vehicle.

Commercial Auto Insurance

This policy provides coverage for commercial motor vehicles against accidental damage, fire, theft and general liability.


  • All Risks – Covers loss or damage to the motor vehicle and its accessories and spare parts, including any liability that the insured is legally obligated to pay.
  • Fire and theft from third parties: covers loss or damage by fire to the motor vehicle and its accessories and spare parts, including all accessories and spare parts, including any liability which the insured may be required by law to pay.
  • Towards third parties only: covers the liability that the insured may be required by law to pay through the use of the motor vehicle.

b) 8 xplico Corporate insurance products

Insurance against theft

Provides coverage against loss or damage due to theft involving entry or exit from a building by forceful and violent means or any attempted threat.

Travel insurance

It is designed to cover individuals and groups traveling internationally, regionally and nationally. It provides coverage for medical expenses, trip interruption, emergencies and travel services, cancellations, lost baggage and accidental death insurance.

Insurance against fire and related dangers

The policy covers the cost of overheads and loss of profits resulting from damages such as floods, fires and all related perils, including earthquakes, riots, strikes and civil disturbances.

Bond insurance

It guarantees to indemnify third parties from the damage suffered due to the insured’s failure to fulfill the described task. Bond Classes:

Performance bonds: Used when a contractor fails to complete contract work.
Immigration/Security Bonds: These are issued to non-citizens whose conduct is guaranteed by the insurer.

Customs/Import Restraints: Ensuring that dutiable goods on which no duties have been paid do not reach the local market before duties have been paid. Duties must be paid before such goods are sold on the market.

Insurance for all at-risk contractors

This is “All Risk” cover available to contractors which will offer protection against destruction or damage to the contractor’s contracted works, plant, machinery and materials on site.

Scope of coverage

  • Fire and related dangers.
  • Accidental damage.
  • Theft and fraud.
  • Collapse, collision, impact, theft, malicious damage.
  • Damage due to defects in design, materials or workmanship.
  • Maintenance.
  • Third party liability.

Professional compensation

This policy offers protection against legal fees and losses resulting from a claim for alleged negligent acts, errors or omissions in the performance of professional services.

Goods in transit

Covers loss or damage to goods and/or cargo during transportation by the specified transit method from the time they leave the insured’s premises until final delivery to the consignee, including loading, temporary placement in transit or unloading , all within the territorial limits indicated in the program.

Machinery insurance

This policy indemnifies the insured against financial losses resulting from machinery breakdown.

Xplico has over 11 Branches across Kenya.
