26 Jul, Friday
5 Trident Insurance Products in kenya

15 Trident Insurance Products in kenya

This article is about Trident Insurance Products in kenya . It is one of the 56 insurance companies licensed in Kenya by the Insurance Regulatory Authority. The company began operating in Kenya in 1982 and has multiple branches around the country.

Trident Insurance Products

Car insurance

Comprehensive Coverage: Provides financial compensation for losses suffered from fire, theft and accidental damage. Fire and third-party theft: Covers all costs resulting from accidental damage to third-party property for which the insured is responsible. It also protects the insured against any losses due to theft or fire.

For third parties only: covers any costs arising from any legal proceedings and the costs of repairing the other party’s vehicle or any compensation awarded to a third party for injury or death.

Motorcycle and Bodaboda insurance

It covers your motorcycle and its accessories against accidental damage, fire, theft and other perils such as storms and floods. It also covers the insured against economic losses due to physical damage to third parties and against property damage and legal liability in the event of a road accident.

health insurance

It covers medical expenses incurred by the insured or his dependents. It covers numerous illnesses and/or personal injuries. It can be undertaken by an individual or a group of people. The policy can cover only outpatients (entry and exit from hospital) or only hospitalized patients (hospitalisation).

Individual Health Plan: Comprehensive health coverage for singles, couples and families.
Maisha Smart Cover – Tailored medical product for SMEs, Chamas and small groups.

Corporate cover: the most suitable for large companies with specific health insurance needs.

Domestic package

This policy guarantees the home. It combines cover for the home, i.e. the building and its contents, and for domestic workers against death or injury while working. The policy also covers owners or occupants of homes against claims for injuries or property damage caused to other people (third parties).

Personal accident

This policy provides financial benefits to a person involved in an accident that results in injury or death. While group personal accident insurance provides financial benefits to a group of people like a family, employees, chamas, learning institutions, SMEs or any other group of people with a common interest.

Product liability insurance

It covers the cost of compensating anyone who has been harmed by a defective product or property damage caused by a defective product.

Travel insurance

It provides coverage against accidental injuries, medical expenses, loss of documents, cancellations, delays, personal liability and legal expenses while traveling.

Professional Indemnity

The professional allowance covers the responsibility of third parties deriving from the performance or from the violation of services by a professional.

Work Injury Benefits Act (WIBA)

Provides compensation to employees for accidents or diseases related to work contracts following the work.

Employers’ responsibilities

It protects employers from their legal liability to an employee for injuries arising out of and in the course of employment.

Fire and risk insurance

It covers loss or damage to property caused by fire, lightning or explosion.

Insurance against theft or theft

Covers loss or damage to insured property due to theft accompanied by visible, forced and violent entry or exit from the insured premises.

Loyalty Guarantee Insurance

It covers the employer against loss of money, stock or property that may result from acts of dishonesty or fraud by an employee.

Goods in transit (GIT) insurance

It covers the loss or damage of goods and/or goods during their movement from one place to another.

Carriers’ civil liability insurance

This policy insures the carrier against legal liability claims. It covers accidental loss or damage to property in the custody or control of the insured during transportation by road, rail, inland waterway, air or any other specified means.

Civil liability insurance

It protects an insured person or organization from its legal liability to the public (third parties) arising from the death or personal injury of others and the loss or damage to property of others.

Trident Insurance Head Office

Location: 1st Floor, Capitol Hill Towers, Cathedral Road, Off Processional Way, Nairobi

Contact Numbers: 020 2721710 , 020 272174, 0720 600036, 0734 330036
