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top cash crops grown in kenya

top cash crops grown in kenya

Last updated on June 9th, 2023 at 08:08 pm

This article focuses on top cash crops grown in Kenya. A crop is a crop that is usually grown for business or sale. Many crops are exported to other countries.

top cash crops grown in kenya

This is a list of cash crops grown in Kenya.

1. Tea

Tea is Kenya’s strongest foreign exchange earning crop. It is grown in the highlands, in areas such as Kericho, Bomet, Nandi, Vihiga, Kisii, Murang’a and Kiambu.

2. Coffee

Kenya is one of the largest producers of coffee, which also brings in a lot of foreign exchange. The types of coffee grown in the country are Arabica and Robusta.

3. flowers

Flowers are an important domestically grown currency for the export market. Most of the flowers are grown in Nakuru, Kiambu and Naivasha.

4. Pyrethrum

Pyrethrum is a small flowering plant in Kenya. It is grown in Nakuru, Limuru, Molo, Sotik, Kisii, Nyamira and some parts of Kinangop.

5. Wheat

Wheat is also an important crop grown for commercial purposes. It is often used to make flour and alcohol. The largest maize farms in Kenya are found in Uasin Gishu, Narok, Nakuru and Laikipia.

6. Cotton

Cotton is grown to produce cotton balls that are used by textile industries to make clothes. The growing areas in Kenya are Siaya, Tana River, Machakos, Busia and Homabay.

7. maize

Maize is both a food and a crop. Most of the maize producers are in Kitale, Uasin Gishu, Nakuru, Nandi, Sotik and parts of the western region.

8. Cane

Sugarcane is a major and minor crop in Kenya. The main buyers of sugarcane are the sugar industry. The regional areas are Mumias, Kakamega, South Nyanza, Busia, Chemelil, Muhoroni and Bungoma.

9. Cashew nut

Cashew nuts are grown for export. Most cashew growers in Kenya are located along Taita Taveta, Tana River, Kilifi and Kwale.

10. Sisal

Sisal is an important commodity that is grown for its fiber. Ropes are used for things like belts, ropes, bags and bags. It is grown in Kilifi and Voi.
