25 Jul, Thursday
Directline Assurance Products and Branches in Kenya

Directline Assurance Products and Branches in Kenya – 17+

This article is about Directline Assurance Products and Branches in Kenya. It is one of the 56 insurance companies licensed in Kenya by the Insurance Regulatory Authority. The company created in 1998 is today the PSV insurance company. He is also the first author to focus exclusively on motor insurance in Kenya. Directline offers insurance for public service vehicles (PSV), commercial vehicles, private vehicles and taxis. They offer two main types of coverage; Only Third Party (TPO) and Full Coverage.

1. Full coverage/comprehensive cover

It covers you in the event of loss or damage due to fire, theft, vandalism, accidental loss, natural disasters, animal damage or falling objects (such as trees or is hail). Directline Comprehensive Coverage is an annual policy only.

PSV Matatu

PSV Matatu Comprehensive cover provides compensation for third party liability and accidental damage or loss of the vehicle, including standard equipment and replacement parts.

PSV bus

PSV Comprehensive Bus Insurance provides coverage for third-party liability and accidental damage or loss of the engine, including standard equipment and replacement parts.

2. Third party only (TPO)

It provides coverage for third parties in case of personal injury or property damage. Only third parties (TPO) apply to these types of vehicles.

PSV Matatu –

Coverage PSV insurance includes the public transport and seat on the seat of 8-36.

PSV Bus PSV is affected by a public transport and chair of 37-105.

Taxi coverage-

Taxi applies to vehicles with a capacity of 2 to 7 seats engaged in public transportation.

Commercial motor insurance –

Commercial motor insurance covers both its own equipment and general transport vehicles used for the transportation of goods as part of the insured business or at cost and expense.

Personal car –

this insurance applies to cars used for social, domestic and recreational purposes or in the course of the insured’s professional work.

directline assurance branches in Kenya

Directline Insurance Head Office

Location: Hazina Towers, 17th Floor, Monrovia Street

Contact: 020 3250000 / 0711 030000 / 0730 130000

Directline Ongata Rongai Branch

Location: Tymes Arcade, 1st Floor, Magadi Road

Contact: 0790 409952 / 0790 409951

Directline Tom Mboya Agency

Location: Diamond Shopping Centre, 2nd floor to Tom Mboya

Contact: 0724 256 528

Directline Afya Center branch

Location: Afya Center Building, 3rd floor to Tom Mboya

Contact: 0792 001 929 / 0792 001930 / 0708 040 0241

Directline Embu branch

Location: Sparko House, 1st floor, Mama Ngina street

Contact: 0702 263243 / 0735 455079

Kapsabet Directline Company

Location: Barngetuny Plaza, Ground Floor, Standi Kisa-Yala Road (next to Family Bank)

Contact: 0771 155508

Directline Kerugoya Branch

Location: KDCU Building, Ground Floor, Kerugoya-Kutus Road

Contact: 0714 611449

Kiambu Directline Branch

Location: CG Square, 1st Floor, Kiambu Road

Contact: 0723 445473 / 0723 445457

Directline Kisii Branch

Location: Royal Towers, 2nd Floor, Hospital Road

Contact: 0725 453062 / 0725 453098 / 0787 777744

Kisumu Directline Branch

Location: Tuff Foam Mall, 1st Floor, Oginga Odinga Street

Contact: 0728 607661

Directline Kitengela Branch

Location: Kitengela Capital Centre, 1st Floor, Nairobi-Namanga Road

Contact: 0723 445082 / 0723 445419

Machakos Directline Branch

Location: Shandbad Building, Second Building, near Syokimau Avenue (behind Naivas Supermarket)

Contact: 0728 607679 / 0734 633333

Directline Contact Branch

Where; Alexander House, Ground Floor, Ghana Street

Contact: 0715 615435 / 0733 400733

Direct Mombasa branch

Location: Diamond Trust Bank House, Annexe, Moi Avenue

Contact: 0728 607679 / 0736 623333

Directline Nakuru Branch

Location: Biashara Center, 4th Floor Mburu Gichua Road

Contact: 0728 607705 / 0734 633333

Directline Nyeri Branch

Location: Rhine House, ground floor, near Gakere Road

Contact: 0726 610746 / 0735 723333

Directline Thika Branch

Location: Thika Arcade, 1st Floor, Kenyatta Highway

Contacts: 0728 607659 / 0736 233333

Eldoret Directline Branch

Location: Zion Shop, 2nd Floor, Uganda Road

Contact: 0712 509913 / 0712 509925 / 0787 777736
