16 Jul, Tuesday
french beans farming in Kenya

french beans farming in Kenya

Last updated on June 9th, 2023 at 08:02 pm

This article focuses on French beans farming in Kenya. Kenya is one of the world’s leading exporters of green beans.

  • French beans are grown in different regions of the country.

planting french beans

Planting begins with the onset of rain. In fact, green beans need a lot of water during the growing season.

Recommended spacing for planting green plants is 30 cm by 15 cm for one row and 60 cm by 30 cm for two rows.

A vigorous rotation of crops is encouraged when growing greens.

It helps to freshen the soil and control weeds.

The yield rate for green beans is 30 kg/acre.

Recommend fertilizers for planting

  • Green beans require a lot of nutrients to grow well. You will need to apply fertilizers such as;
  • DAP fertilizer at planting time (200 kg per hectare). About 100 kg per hectare of CAN fertilizer at the time of spreading.
  • Foliar food such as Bayfolan, which should be applied every two weeks.

Harvesting green beans

French beans mature after about 45 to 50 days.

Harvesting can be done twice a week and thrice a week for good quality beans and other good quality beans respectively.

One acre of land can produce about 4,000 to 6,000 kilograms of green beans.

French beans market in Kenya

Kenya mainly grows green beans for the export market.

Many exporters of green beans in Kenya have a ready market in Europe.

In the region there is also a market for green beans.

The local retail price is about Kshs 100 per kg.

Varieties of French Beans Grown In Kenya

  • Samantha
  • Monei
  • Amy
  • Pekera
  • Cupvert
  • Bronco
  • Teresa
  • Julia
  • Gloria
  • Super monei
  • Loby
  • Expadia
  • Morgan
  • Tonivert
  • Claudia
  • Tokai
  • Paulista
  • Texas

Ecological Conditions for Growing French Beans

  • Well-drained nutrient-rich soils with optimal pH of 6.5- 7.5.
  • Altitudes of 1000 to 2100 m above sea level.
  • Well distributed rainfall that ranges between 900- 1200 mm per annum.
  • Optimum temperature that ranges between 20-25°c.

Major Buyers of French Beans in Kenya

1. Vegpro Kenya

Contact: 020 552 506.

2. Kenya Horticultural Exports Limited

Contacts: 0703 471 417, 020 251 7979.

3. French Produce Exports Association

Contact: 0713 516 555.

4. Homegrown Kenya Ltd

Contact: 020 387 3800.

5. Everest Limited

Contacts: 020 314 2009/ 020 622 4142.
