14 Jul, Sunday
How selection to public secondary schools is done today in 2023-2024

How selection to public secondary schools is done today in 2023-2024

This article is about how selection to public secondary schools is done today in 2023-2024. KCPE 2023 results were announced in 23rd November 2023 by Education CS Ezekiel Machogu. The selection of public secondary schools is expected to begin and continue in the next few days.

For selection purposes, public secondary schools are divided into national, extra-county, county and sub-county schools.

selection to public secondary schools today

National Schools

National schools are centers of excellence established with the aim of improving educational standards and promoting community and social cohesion.

These are residential schools whose clientele is 100% international.

There are 113 national schools grouped into four groups.

The first group has 30 schools while the second group has 25 national schools. The third group has 18 national schools while the fourth group has 30. Applicants must choose one of the four groups.

Extra-county schools

Extra-county schools are boarding schools that are good national centers for secondary education. There are 328 non-community schools.

Schools complement national schools by promoting integration and comparison of educational standards in their regions.

During the selection process, applicants choose three out-of-town schools; here is a list of the best extra county schools in Kenya.

One of the options will be from outside the host country of their primary school to promote integration and national integration.

Applicants who did not apply to national schools will be considered for admission to schools outside of the system of their choice. You can view all the extra-county schools in Kenya.

County schools

County schools are schools that enter a county high school that is not a national school and vice versa. They include some day schools in rural and large urban areas. The area they are attracted to is the guest area. There are currently 993 local schools.

Applicants who will not be selected from a national school or another will be considered for placement in one of their three local schools. You can have a look at some of the best county schools in Kenya.

Sub-county schools

Sub-county schools are day schools, vision schools and day wing schools.

They recruit their students only from the host region. There are currently 6,982 sub-county schools.

A special secondary school (SNE) is a school that accepts students with special educational needs. There are 25 SNE secondary schools. Their customers are national, the selection is made based on merit, the choice of the applicant and the type of disability. An integrated high school is a high school that also caters for students with special educational needs. There are 70 affiliated high schools that cater for specific disabilities. Selection among these schools is based on merit, candidate preference and type of disability.

To access the high school selection system from ministry of education, click here

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Extra County Schools In Kenya

County schools in Kenya
