16 Jul, Tuesday
how to apply for marriage certificate online via ecitizen in kenya

how to apply for marriage certificate online via ecitizen in kenya

This article is about how to apply for marriage certificate online via Ecitizen in Kenya. This is one of the services offered via Ecitizen. Our step by step guide will demystify the process and highlight the most important aspects you need to take into account.

1. First Things First: Are You Good to Go?

Before you dive into the online wedding world, let’s make sure you’re eligible for this matrimonial journey. The basics include:

  • Age Check: You’ve got to be at least 18.
  • Marital Status: No sneaky prior marriages allowed.
  • Sound Mind: Well, we want you to say “I do” with a clear head.
  • The Buddy System: You’ll need at least a couple of your pals to witness the grand event.

Before you fill the online application form found at,

Indicate:(according to the statelaw office)

  1. System of marriage;
  2. Names of the parties to the marriage;
  3. Date of the marriage; and
  4. Place of marriage.

Upon a successful search, the applicant(s) will be notified to pay a fee of Kes. 1,100/= through the online platform.

Timelines: 4 days after payment of requisite fee.

2. Online Adventure: e-Citizen to the Rescue

The first stop on your online wedding adventure is the e-Citizen website ( If you’re not already registered, sign up for an account. This is where the marriage certificate magic happens.

3. Form-Filling Frenzy

Once you’re in,

go to the “Department of Interior and Coordination of National Government.”

Look for the “Submit a Notice of Marriage” option.

Now, it’s time to spill the beans about you and your soon-to-be spouse. Keep it real and accurate!

4. Pay the Bill

No, we’re not talking about the wedding bill just yet. Before you proceed, there’s an application fee for your marriage certificate.

Remember, fees can change, so double-check the latest rates before you hit that “pay” button.

5. Set Up a Date

Now, let’s set a date with the Registrar of Marriages. Both you and your sweetheart need to show up for this. It’s like setting a date for a friendly chat with the marriage wizard.

6. Meeting with the Registrar

At your meeting with the Registrar, make sure to bring your IDs or passports. This is where they’ll do a quick ID check to ensure you’re who you say you are. It’s a bit like showing your ID to get into a fancy party.

7. Public Announcement Time

After your meeting with the Registrar, they’ll put up a Notice of Marriage at their office for 21 days. Think of this as your grand public wedding announcement. If no one objects, you’re good to go.

8. Let the Wedding Planning Begin

With no objections, the Registrar gives you the green light. It’s time to plan your wedding – the dress, the cake, the flowers, and all that jazz. Now, your marriage will be legal under Kenyan law.

9. Time to Officialize It

After the big day, head back to the Registrar’s office with your witness squad. You’re essentially making your marriage official on paper. Think of it as the post-party paperwork.

10. Grab Your Marriage Certificate

Once all the T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted, you can pick up your official marriage certificate. This is the fancy piece of paper that officially says, “You’re married!” So, keep it safe and sound.

faqs about marriage certificate application in kenya

1. What is a marriage certificate, and why is it important?

A marriage certificate is a legal document that serves as proof of a lawful marriage between two individuals. It is crucial for various purposes, including establishing legal rights, changing surnames, and providing evidence of marital status. It also helps in cases of inheritance, immigration, and legal matters.

2. Who is eligible to apply for a marriage certificate in Kenya?

In Kenya, you are eligible to apply for a marriage certificate if you meet the following criteria:

  • Both parties must be at least 18 years old.
  • Neither party should be in an existing marriage.
  • Consent of both parties is required.
  • Both parties must be of sound mind.

3. How do I apply for a marriage certificate in Kenya?

To apply for a marriage certificate in Kenya, follow these steps:

  • Register an account on the e-Citizen platform.
  • Fill out the “Submit a Notice of Marriage” form online, providing accurate details.
  • Pay the application fee.
  • Schedule an interview with the Registrar of Marriages.
  • Attend the interview with your spouse, providing original identification documents.
  • The Notice of Marriage is posted for 21 days.
  • Plan and have your marriage ceremony.
  • Register the marriage after the ceremony.
  • Collect your marriage certificate.

4. What documents are required for a marriage certificate application in Kenya?

You will typically need the following documents:

  • Copies of your Kenyan National ID cards or passports.
  • Proof of payment for the application fee.
  • Any additional documents requested by the Registrar of Marriages.

5. What is the cost of applying for a marriage certificate in Kenya?

The application fee for a marriage certificate can vary and is subject to change. It is advisable to check the latest fee schedule on the e-Citizen platform.

6. How long does it take to get a marriage certificate in Kenya?

The time it takes to receive your marriage certificate may vary. After submitting your application and completing the interview, a Notice of Marriage is posted for 21 days. Once this period passes without objections, the Registrar issues the marriage certificate. The process from application to certificate issuance can take several weeks.

7. Can I apply for a marriage certificate online in Kenya?

Yes, you can apply for a marriage certificate online through the e-Citizen platform. This online application process is designed to streamline and simplify the procedure.

8. Can foreigners get married in Kenya and obtain a marriage certificate?

Yes, foreigners can get married in Kenya and obtain a marriage certificate. However, there may be additional requirements and documentation for non-Kenyan citizens. It is advisable to consult with the Registrar of Marriages or relevant authorities for specific guidelines.

9. Is there a waiting period after applying for a marriage certificate in Kenya?

Yes, there is a waiting period of 21 days after the Notice of Marriage is posted. This period allows for any objections to be raised before the marriage certificate is issued.

10. Can I change my name on my marriage certificate in Kenya?

Yes, you can change your name on your marriage certificate in Kenya. This is typically done during the registration of the marriage, and it is often requested as part of the application process if you wish to change your name after marriage.
