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How to Register a Business Name online on ecitizen in Kenya - complete guide

How to Register a Business Name online on ecitizen in Kenya – complete guide

This article is about how to Register a Business Name online on Ecitizen in Kenya. This is one of the many services online services offered via Ecitizen. Today we tell you why it’s important and how to go about it.

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Registering a business name in Kenya is a crucial step for entrepreneurs and business owners looking to establish their presence in the Kenyan market. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the process, requirements, and steps involved in registering a business name in Kenya.

Why Register a Business Name?

Registering a business name offers several benefits, including:

  1. Legal Identity: Registration provides your business with a legal identity, allowing you to enter into contracts and conduct business transactions.
  2. Brand Protection: It helps protect your business name from being used by others in your industry.
  3. Access to Services: Registered businesses can access government services and apply for licenses, permits, and business-related incentives.
  4. Credibility: It enhances your business’s credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of customers, suppliers, and financial institutions.

How to Register a Business Name in Kenya

To register a business name in Kenya, follow these steps:

1. Name Search and Reservation

  • Submit a Name Search Application: Prepare a list of three preferred business names and visit the eCitizen portal ( to apply for name search.
  • Pay: the required fee.
  • Approval: Once your application is approved, you will receive a Name Search Certificate.

2. Business Registration

  • Visit the Registrar of Companies: Present the Name Search Certificate to the Registrar of Companies (located in Sheria House, Nairobi) to register your business.
  • Form BN/2: Fill out Form BN/2, which is the Registration of a Business Name form, available at the Registrar’s office.
  • Payment: Pay the registration fee, which varies based on your business’s nature. It is advisable to check the latest fee schedule on the eCitizen portal.
  • Verification: The Registrar will verify your application, and upon approval, you will receive a Certificate of Registration.

Requirements for business name registration in kenya

To register a business name in Kenya, you need the following:

  • Business Name: Three preferred business names in order of preference.
  • Name Search Certificate: Obtained after a successful name search application.
  • Completed Form BN/2: Fill out this form with accurate business details.
  • Registration Fee: Pay the required registration fee.
  • Applicant’s Details: You will need to provide your name, ID or passport number, and contact details.
  • Nature of Business: Describe the nature of your business.
  • Physical Address: Provide the physical address of your business premises.

Post-Registration Steps

After registering your business name, you need to:

  • Display Your Certificate: Ensure that your Certificate of Registration is displayed prominently at your business premises.
  • Compliance: Comply with tax regulations and any industry-specific regulations.
  • Renewal: Business name registration is valid for one year. Renew it annually to maintain legal compliance.

Renewing and Managing Your Business Name Registration in kenya

Annual Renewal

Business name registration in Kenya is valid for one year. To maintain your legal compliance, you must renew it annually. Here’s how to do it:

  • Prepare for Renewal: Keep track of your registration expiration date. You should initiate the renewal process well before your certificate expires.
  • Visit eCitizen Portal: Go to the eCitizen portal ( and log in with your account. If you don’t have an account, create one.
  • Renewal Application: Find the option for “Renew Business Name” and complete the required renewal form.
  • Payment: Pay the renewal fee, which may vary based on your business type. Ensure that your payment is up-to-date to avoid any issues during renewal.
  • Confirmation: After successful renewal, you will receive a renewed Certificate of Registration. Display this certificate at your business premises.

how to Make Changes to Your Business Name

If you need to make changes to your registered business name, such as amendments or updates, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Registrar of Companies: Go to the Registrar’s office in Sheria House, Nairobi, and request the necessary forms to make changes to your business name.
  2. Complete the Forms: Fill out the appropriate form for the changes you wish to make. Ensure that the information is accurate and up to date.
  3. Payment: Pay the required fee for making changes to your business name. The fee may vary depending on the nature of the changes.
  4. Submission: Submit the completed forms and payment receipt to the Registrar of Companies.
  5. Approval: The Registrar will review your application, and upon approval, you will receive updated documentation reflecting the changes made to your business name.

Cessation of Business Name in kenya

If you decide to cease or discontinue your business, you should follow these steps:

  1. Prepare for Cessation: Ensure all financial obligations, taxes, and debts related to your business are settled.
  2. Visit the Registrar of Companies: Go to the Registrar’s office and request the cessation form.
  3. Complete the Cessation Form: Fill out the form for the cessation of your business name, providing all required information.
  4. Payment: Pay any applicable fees for the cessation process.
  5. Submission: Submit the completed cessation form and payment receipt to the Registrar.
  6. Deregistration: The Registrar will review your application, and upon approval, your business name will be deregistered.

Maintaining Compliance

Apart from renewing your registration, it’s essential to maintain compliance with other statutory requirements:

  • Taxation: Ensure your business complies with all relevant tax laws, including filing returns and paying taxes on time.
  • Business Permits and Licenses: Depending on the nature of your business, you may need specific permits or licenses. Stay updated and renew them as required.
  • Financial Records: Maintain accurate financial records, including income statements and balance sheets.
  • Trademark Protection: If your business name is unique and valuable, consider trademarking it to protect your brand.

Additional Considerations for Business Owners in Kenya

Taxation and Compliance

Understanding and fulfilling your tax obligations is crucial for running a successful business in Kenya. Consider the following points:

  • Tax Identification Number (TIN): Ensure you have a Tax Identification Number (TIN) for your business. You can apply for a TIN at the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) office.
  • VAT Registration: If your business’s turnover exceeds a certain threshold, you may need to register for Value Added Tax (VAT).
  • File Tax Returns: File your tax returns and pay taxes on time to avoid penalties and legal complications.
  • Accounting and Records: Keep thorough financial records and hire an accountant or use accounting software to manage your business’s finances.

Business Banking and Finance

Separating your personal and business finances is a prudent practice. Open a business bank account to manage your finances effectively.

  • Business Bank Account: Choose a reputable bank and open a business account to handle your income and expenses separately.
  • Access to Credit: A business bank account can help establish your business’s creditworthiness, which may be crucial when seeking loans or credit.
  • Financial Planning: Work with a financial advisor or accountant to develop a financial plan for your business.

Intellectual Property Protection

Protecting your business name, logo, and any unique intellectual property is essential to safeguard your brand’s identity.

  • Trademark Registration: Consider registering your business name and logo as trademarks to prevent others from using them without permission.
  • Copyrights and Patents: Depending on your business, you may also need to consider copyrights and patents to protect intellectual property.
  • Legal Assistance: If you have concerns about intellectual property, consult with an intellectual property attorney.

Business Growth and Expansion

As your business grows, you may consider expansion or diversification. Here are some strategies:

  • Market Research: Continuously research the market to identify opportunities for growth and expansion.
  • Business Plan: Create a comprehensive business plan that outlines your growth strategy and objectives.
  • Funding Options: Explore various funding options, including loans, investors, or grants, to support your expansion plans.
  • Diversification: Consider diversifying your product or service offerings to reach new customer segments.

Compliance with Regulatory Changes

Kenyan business regulations can change over time. Stay informed about legislative updates and adapt your business accordingly.

  • Government Agencies: Keep an eye on announcements from government agencies, such as the Registrar of Companies and the Kenya Revenue Authority.
  • Legal Advice: If you’re unsure about compliance with new regulations, seek legal advice or consult with a business advisor.

Resources and Support for Kenyan Business Owners

Starting and managing a business in Kenya can be challenging, but there are numerous resources and support systems available to help you along the way. Here are some valuable sources of assistance for Kenyan business owners:

1. Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest)

KenInvest is a government agency that provides information, guidance, and support to investors and business owners in Kenya. They can help you understand the investment climate, business opportunities, and investment incentives in Kenya.

2. Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)

KRA is responsible for tax collection in Kenya. They offer information and services related to taxation, including registration for taxes, tax compliance, and online tax payment.

3. Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI)

The KNCCI is a non-profit organization that supports the growth and development of businesses in Kenya. They provide resources, advocacy, and networking opportunities for entrepreneurs.

4. SME Support Centers

SME support centers, such as those run by various county governments, provide assistance and resources for small and medium-sized enterprises. They often offer training, mentorship, and financial support.

5. Kenyan Government Programs

Explore government programs aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses, such as the Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF), Women Enterprise Fund (WEF), and Uwezo Fund. These funds provide financial assistance to specific demographics of entrepreneurs.

6. Business Associations and Networking Groups

Joining business associations and networking groups can help you connect with other entrepreneurs, share experiences, and gain insights. Examples include the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM), Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), and various industry-specific associations.

7. Banks and Financial Institutions

Financial institutions in Kenya offer various financial products and services tailored to business needs. These include business loans, lines of credit, and business advisory services.

8. Business Development Service Providers

Consider seeking assistance from business development service providers that offer consulting, training, and mentorship. They can help you develop your business plan and navigate various aspects of business management.

9. Export Promotion Council (EPC)

If your business involves exporting goods and services, the EPC can provide support and guidance on international trade, market access, and export-related matters.

10. Online Resources and E-Government Services

Utilize online platforms such as eCitizen, Huduma Centers, and government websites to access a wide range of government services, make payments, and access information related to your business.

11. Legal and Business Advisory Services

Consider consulting with legal and business advisors to ensure that your business operates in compliance with Kenyan laws and regulations.

12. Export Processing Zones (EPZs)

If your business is export-oriented, EPZs offer various incentives and a conducive environment for export-focused enterprises.

Remember that navigating the business landscape in Kenya may require a combination of these resources and services. Seek assistance as needed to ensure your business’s success and growth.

faqs about business name registration in kenya

1. What is a business name registration in Kenya?

Business name registration in Kenya is the legal process of registering a name under which a business will operate. It provides your business with a legal identity, allowing you to engage in commercial activities and enter contracts.

2. Why is it important to register a business name in Kenya?

Business name registration offers several benefits, including legal recognition, brand protection, access to government services, and enhanced credibility in the eyes of customers and suppliers.

3. How do I check if a business name is available for registration in Kenya?

You can check the availability of a business name by applying for a Name Search at the eCitizen portal ( After approval, you will receive a Name Search Certificate.

4. What are the steps to register a business name in Kenya?

The registration process involves name search and reservation, visiting the Registrar of Companies, filling out Form BN/2, paying the registration fee, and obtaining a Certificate of Registration.

5. How much does it cost to register a business name in Kenya?

The registration fee varies depending on the nature of your business. It is advisable to check the latest fee schedule on the eCitizen portal.

6. How long does it take to register a business name in Kenya?

The registration process typically takes a few weeks, but it may vary based on factors such as the workload at the Registrar of Companies and the accuracy of your application.

7. Is business name registration in Kenya renewable?

Yes, business name registration in Kenya is renewable annually. You must renew your registration to maintain legal compliance.

8. What documents do I need to register a business name in Kenya?

You will need a Name Search Certificate, a completed Form BN/2, payment receipts, and your personal and business details, including the nature of your business.

9. Can I change my registered business name in Kenya?

Yes, you can change your registered business name in Kenya. The process involves visiting the Registrar of Companies, filling out the necessary forms, paying the applicable fee, and obtaining approval.

10. Is trademark registration the same as business name registration in Kenya?

No, trademark registration and business name registration are different. Business name registration provides legal identity, while trademark registration protects specific names, logos, or symbols associated with your business.

11. Do I need a physical business address to register a business name in Kenya?

Yes, you are required to provide the physical address of your business premises as part of the registration process.

12. Can foreign nationals register a business name in Kenya?

Yes, foreign nationals can register a business name in Kenya, but they must comply with the relevant regulations and requirements for foreign-owned businesses.

13. What happens if I want to close my business after registration?

If you decide to cease or discontinue your business, you can follow the cessation process, which involves settling financial obligations, filling out a cessation form, and obtaining approval for deregistration.

14. Where can I get further information and support for business name registration in Kenya?

You can find information and support from government agencies like KenInvest, the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), and business associations such as the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI). Additionally, legal and business advisors can provide guidance.

How to register a business in Kenya
