12 Jul, Friday
how to apply for transit goods license in kenya - complete guide

how to apply for transit goods license in kenya – complete guide

This article is about how to apply for transit goods license in Kenya. Today we give you a complete guide on how to secure a Transit Goods License easily.

what is a transit goods license?

A Transit Goods License serves as an official authorization for the legitimate movement of goods through a designated area, often a country, with no intent to import or export them within that specific location. Its primary role is to guarantee adherence to customs and transportation regulations, thwart customs infractions, and may entail the provision of security bonds and insurance protection. These licenses are effective for a specified duration, while the application procedures vary by jurisdiction. They play a pivotal role in ensuring the transparent flow of goods across borders and within regions, aiding in the accurate collection of customs fees and deterring illicit trade activities.

how to apply for transit goods license

1. Determine Your Eligibility

Before initiating the application process, it’s important to determine if you are eligible for a Transit Goods License. In Kenya, these licenses are typically issued to transporters, clearing agents, or other entities involved in the movement of goods through the country. Ensure that you meet the specific eligibility criteria for this type of license.

2. Prepare Required Documents

To support your application for a Transit Goods License, you’ll need to prepare a set of essential documents and information. The exact documents required may vary depending on your specific circumstances and the issuing authority. Commonly required documents include:

  • Application Form: Obtain the official application form for a Transit Goods License from the relevant Kenyan authority – KRA (download here). This form typically requests detailed information about your business and the goods you intend to transport. You may be required to pay a fee if the application is successful.
  • Business Registration Documents: Provide copies of your business registration or incorporation documents. This can include your business certificate, trade license, or articles of incorporation.
  • Clearance from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA): You may need to obtain a clearance certificate from the Kenya Revenue Authority, confirming that you are in compliance with tax and customs regulations.
  • Security Bond: A security bond is often a fundamental requirement. This bond serves as a financial guarantee that you will abide by transit regulations. The bond amount may vary based on the nature and value of the goods you are transporting.
  • Insurance Certificate: Submit proof of insurance coverage for the goods in transit. This is crucial for safeguarding the value of the goods during transportation.
  • Details of Goods: Provide comprehensive information about the goods you intend to transport. Include details such as the type of goods, quantity, value, and relevant customs codes.
  • Vehicle Registration and Insurance: Copies of the vehicle’s registration documents and insurance policies are typically necessary. Ensure that the vehicle used for transportation complies with safety and insurance regulations.
  • Identification Documents: Include identification documents for the applicant and other relevant parties, such as a copy of your national ID, passport, or other forms of identification.
  • Customs Entry Documents: Relevant customs entry documents, such as shipping invoices and customs declarations, may be required to clear the goods through Kenyan customs.

3. Visit the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) or Customs and Border Control Office

The next step is to visit the nearest Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) office or the Customs and Border Control Division in your region. These are the government offices responsible for processing and issuing Transit Goods Licenses. Locate the office closest to your location, and it’s advisable to call ahead or visit their official website to gather information on their specific requirements and operating hours.

4. Submit Your Application

When you visit the KRA office or Customs and Border Control Division, submit your completed application form along with all the required supporting documents. The immigration authorities will guide you through the submission process and may provide you with additional instructions, if necessary.

5. Pay Applicable Fees

As part of your application, you may be required to pay certain fees, including an application fee and the security bond. The fee amounts can vary based on factors like the type and quantity of goods you plan to transport. Ensure that you make the necessary payments during the application process.

6. Attend an Interview (if required)

In some cases, applicants may be asked to attend an interview as part of the application process. The purpose of the interview is to verify the information provided in your application and ensure that you are fully compliant with transit regulations. If you are required to attend an interview, be prepared to provide additional information and answer questions about your application.

7. Wait for Processing

After you have submitted your Transit Goods License application, the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) or the Customs and Border Control Division will begin processing your application. The processing time can vary depending on the complexity of your application and other factors. It’s advisable to apply well in advance of your intended transit date to ensure a timely decision.

8. Receive Your Transit Goods License

Upon approval of your application, you will receive a Transit Goods License. This license authorizes you to transport goods through Kenya. Carefully review the license to ensure it accurately reflects the terms, conditions, and regulations associated with your transport activities. It’s essential to strictly adhere to these terms during the transportation process.

9. Comply with Regulations

Throughout the transportation of goods, it’s crucial to fully comply with the transit regulations specified in your Transit Goods License. Failure to adhere to these regulations can result in penalties, fines, or other legal consequences. Additionally, make sure to maintain all necessary documents and records during the transit to facilitate any inspections or customs clearance procedures.

faqs about transit goods in Kenya

1. What is a Transit Goods License in Kenya?

A Transit Goods License in Kenya is a permit that authorizes individuals or businesses to transport goods through the country while in transit to another destination. It is essential for ensuring the lawful movement of goods and compliance with customs and transportation regulations.

2. Who is eligible to apply for a Transit Goods License in Kenya?

Eligibility for a Transit Goods License typically extends to transporters, clearing agents, and entities involved in the transit of goods through Kenya. The specific eligibility criteria may vary, so it’s essential to check with the relevant Kenyan authorities for precise details.

3. Why is a Transit Goods License necessary?

A Transit Goods License is required to ensure that goods in transit are properly documented, inspected, and accounted for while passing through Kenya. It helps prevent customs violations, tax evasion, and the illegal transport of goods.

4. What types of goods can be transported with a Transit Goods License?

A Transit Goods License can be used for the transport of various types of goods, including general cargo, perishable goods, industrial machinery, and other items. The specific categories of goods allowed may be subject to customs regulations and restrictions.

5. How do I apply for a Transit Goods License in Kenya?

To apply for a Transit Goods License, you need to complete an application form and submit it, along with the required documents and fees, to the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) or the Customs and Border Control Division. The exact application process may vary based on your specific circumstances and the issuing authority.

6. What documents are required for a Transit Goods License application?

The required documents typically include the completed application form, business registration documents, clearance from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), a security bond, an insurance certificate, vehicle registration and insurance documents, identification documents, and customs entry documents.

7. Is an interview required as part of the application process?

In some cases, applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the Transit Goods License application process. The interview is conducted to verify the accuracy of the application information and ensure compliance with transit regulations.

8. How long does it take to process a Transit Goods License application?

The processing time for a Transit Goods License application can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the application and the workload of the issuing authority. It’s advisable to apply well in advance of your intended transit date to allow for timely processing.

9. Can I transport goods through Kenya without a Transit Goods License?

Transporting goods through Kenya without a valid Transit Goods License is typically not allowed. Doing so may result in customs violations, fines, or the impounding of the goods.

10. Can I use a Transit Goods License for multiple shipments?

The ability to use a Transit Goods License for multiple shipments may depend on the terms and conditions specified in the license. Some licenses are issued for a specific transit operation, while others may allow for multiple shipments within a defined period. It’s important to review the terms of your license for this information.

11. What should I do if I need to change the details of my Transit Goods License?

If you need to make changes to the details of your Transit Goods License, such as updating the list of goods or the transit route, you should contact the issuing authority for guidance on the modification process.

12. Are there penalties for non-compliance with Transit Goods License regulations?

Yes, non-compliance with Transit Goods License regulations can result in penalties and fines. It’s crucial to adhere to the conditions and regulations specified in your license to avoid legal consequences.

For more information or clarification, contact KRA

KRA contacts

Contact Centre on Tel: 020 4 999 999; 0711 099 099 or

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