15 Jul, Monday
how to Open A Kindergarten School In Kenya

how to Open A Kindergarten School In Kenya

This article focuses on the requirements for opening a nursery school in Kenya. The Ministry of Education is responsible for registering basic education and training institutions in Kenya. It is necessary to obtain approval from the Ministry before operating an educational institution, be it a nursery, primary or secondary school. The forms necessary for application or registration can be downloaded from the ministry’s website.

how to Open A Kindergarten School In Kenya

These are the requirements to open a kindergarten in Kenya.

  1. Application forms from the institution duly completed and signed. Information needed to complete includes;
  • Name and address of the institution.
  • Status of the proposed institution
  • Management
  • Classification of institutions
  • Maximum number of students to host
  • Lesson details
  • nature of the buildings
  • Declaration of the applicant

2. Application forms for the director of the institution duly completed and signed.

3. A recent school inspection report completed by the respective county education offices. The forms must be stamped and signed.

4. A detailed public health/health inspection report, sealed and signed.

5. Valid title deed/letter of assignment or tenancy agreement covering a period of not less than 8 years.

6. Certified copies of teachers’ professional and academic certificates.

7. D.E.B supporting document or extract of the D.E.B minutes signed by the president and the secretary.

8. Site/plan/sketch of the institution showing existing facilities and future development or expansion plans.

9. Copy of the registration of the business name of the institution in accordance with the Law on Trade Names or certified copy of the registration of the organization as a company or joint stock company and a copy of the articles of association.

10. Registration fees (bank check payable to the Permanent Secretariat, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology).

We do not accept money orders/postal orders.

The registration fees are as follows:

Public schools (provisional and re-enrolment): 1,000 shillings
Private (Provisional Registration): Ksh 10,000
Private (Pre-Registration and Full Registration): Ksh 5,000
Ecclesiastical/religious schools (provisional and re-enrolment): Ksh 4,000.
