27 Jul, Saturday
top 10 best performing high schools in nakuru county 2022/ 2023

top 10 best performing high schools in nakuru county 2022/ 2023

This article is about the top 10 best performing high schools in Nakuru county. Positive teacher-student interaction is one of the crucial aspects to consider when choosing a school for your child. There are many excellent schools in Nakuru county, but many stand out.

best performing high schools in nakuru county

Based on their past achievements, the top performing high schools in Nakuru County.

Nakuru Boys’ High School (mean: 8.81)

It is a national school. Over the years, Nakuru Boys High School has consistently succeeded in the KCSE exams. For example, the school was ranked among the top 100 schools nationwide in the 2019 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exam results.

Molo Academy Secondary School (mean: 9.15)

It is located in Milimani, Molo sub-county of Nakuru county, Kenya, about 2 kilometers from Kibunja along the Nakuru-Eldoret road. It is a secondary school for children living in boarding school. Since its inception in 1986, the school has established itself as one of the best in the country.

Bahati Girls High School (Average: 9.00)

If you are looking for the best girls high school in Nakuru County then Bahati Secondary is the place to be. It is a secondary school located in Nakuru County, Rift Valley Region, Kenya. The school is a boarding school for girls.

Mary Mount Secondary School (mean: 9.00)

Mount Secondary Boarding School is a county secondary school located near Molo Town, Molo Constituency in Nakuru County, Rift Valley Region, Kenya.

Moi Forces Academy (mean: 9:00)

Moi Forces Academy Lanet is a national secondary school for girls located in Lanet near the Lanet Barracks. The school was founded in 1986 by the former head of state, President Moi. It is a national boarding school for girls sponsored by the Kenya Defense Force, and 80% of the students come from Defense Force families, while 20% come from civilian families.

Naivasha High School for Girls (Average: 8.50)

Naivasha High School for Girls has consistently performed well in the KCSE exams. For example, in the 2019 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exam results, the school emerged among the top 100 schools across the country.

Koelel High School (mean: 7.78)

Koelel High School is a boarding school for boys located in Gilgil, Nakuru County. The performance of the school is admirable. The school has modern infrastructures, which facilitate the learning and safety of the students. The facilities offered by the institution not only create an atmosphere conducive to study but also allow students to explore and discover their talents.

Njoro Girls Secondary (average: 7.78)

Njoro Girls Secondary School is a girls’ boarding school located in Njoro Sub-locality, Njoro Location, Njoro Division, Molo Constituency of Nakuru County, Rift Valley Region of Kenya.

Oserian High School (mean: 7.73)

Oserian High School is located in the Naivasha constituency at Hell\’s Gate. The school is part of the Nakuru District in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya. Oserian High School is a coeducational day school.

St. Yermo High School (mean: 8.50)

St. Yermo High School is among the best private high schools in Nakuru County. It is located in Nakuru county, Subukia constituency. Girls’ school is a secondary school sponsored by a religious organization.

  • These schools are not only the best academically but also in extracurricular activities.
  • Schools also have the best environment for learning activities. Private elementary schools are known for their excellent academic results.
  • Unlike their public counterparts, these schools charge slightly higher tuition. More and more organizations are taking the necessary steps to provide the ideal environment for children to develop in all aspects of life.
  • Before choosing one of these schools for your child, you should consider a number of things, including your budget and how easy it is to travel there.