13 Jul, Saturday
trees that grow in the dry areas of Kenya

trees that grow in the dry areas of Kenya

Last updated on June 9th, 2023 at 08:03 pm

This article focuses on trees that grow in the dry areas of Kenya.

  • Kenya’s arid regions are characterized by extreme climatic conditions that can support the growth of certain plants and trees.

Plants that grow in dry areas are a good source of wood, firewood, poles, poles and firewood.

trees that grow in the dry areas of Kenya

This is a plant that grows in the dry areas of Kenya

1. Melia Volkensi

Melia Volkensi is locally known as Mukau. It is a fast growing, drought tolerant plant with many benefits. It is cultivated in Kitui, Tharaka Nithi, Isiolo, Mandera and Marsabit. The plant is grown for wood, green manure and can be used for animal feed.

2. Acacia Senegal

Acacia Senegal is a thorny shrub that is drought tolerant. It can reach 15 meters in height. The plant produces a gum that is used in many different industrial applications.

3. Acacia Tortilis

Acacia Tortilis is also a rain-tolerant plant that can tolerate any type of soil. The plant has many benefits. It can be used medicinally, as a source of firewood, firewood and animal feed.

4. Milicia Excelsa

It is often called Iroko. It can tolerate dry season for six months. In most cases, it requires an annual rainfall of 700 mm. It produces an unbelievably good tree.

5. Bottlebrush

It is a small plant known as Callistemon Citrinus. It grows up to six meters in length and tolerates different temperatures, both low and high. In Kenya, it is mainly grown as an ornamental tree.

6. Terminalia Brownii

Terminalia Brownii is one of the plants that grow in dry places. It is a rain-tolerant tree that is found in many places in the eastern region. The villagers use it mainly for medicinal purposes, for cutting trees, poles, firewood and making beehives.
