14 Jul, Sunday
8 requirements for tsc number today - teachers service commission registration

8 requirements for tsc number today – teachers service commission registration

This article is about requirements for TSC number today The TSC is anchored on the Teachers Service Commission Act 2012 Article 237. The article requires TSC to register all qualified teachers before they can work in either public or private institutions within Kenya. All teachers who meet the TSC requirements are given a certificate of Registration within a month. It is this certificate that contains the TSC number.

Note: Only original documents should be scanned

  1. Certified copies of academic and professional certificates
  2. National identity card
  3. Bank slip
  4. One passport size photo
  5. KRA pin
  6. GP69 form
  7. Certificate of good conduct
  8. Entry and work permits for non-Kenyans.

TSC application charges

  • New applications are charged Kes 1050. The money is paid through ecitizen payment methods.
  • Duplicate certificate applications (lost or damaged certificates) are charged Kes 2050. The money is paid through ecitizen payment methods.

For more information or clarification, contact the Teachers Service Commission through

Recruitment Requirements for Teachers service commission
