17 Jul, Wednesday
functions of a county governor in kenya

functions of a county governor in kenya

Last updated on November 21st, 2022 at 11:33 pm

These are the functions of a County Governor in Kenya.

The governor is responsible for managing the resources allocated to a county by the national government.

Voters in the region elect a county governor in Kenya on the same day as the general election for parliament. Each person who elects the position of governor must appoint a person who will appoint the deputy governor. Must have a degree from a recognized university.

County Governor Salary and Allowances
Basic SalaryKsh 866,000
House AllowanceKsh 300,000
Market AdjustmentKsh 170,000
Total Salary Per MonthKsh 924,000

Main functions of A County Governor in Kenya

  1. Implement local and regional laws

As an executive at the regional level, the governor is responsible for directing the implementation of the Constitution and other local laws, as well as the implementation of local laws.

  1. Raise money for the county through:
  • Understanding financial and tax laws
  • Collect taxes lawfully
  • Borrow money from local and international financial institutions
  • Agree and get local and international help
  • Agree fair prices for agricultural products, minerals and other resources extracted from a county
  • Stimulating and empowering residents to invest in business
  • Understand and comply with local foreign investment policies and laws
  • Follow Kenya’s international trade laws
  • Representing the country’s interests in the formulation or evaluation of Kenya’s position in the formulation of international trade agreements.
  1. Use public funds wisely
  2. Make sure the county area is not poor

As the head of state who is taught by all heads of state and civil servants, the governor has the following responsibilities:-

  • Fairly provide people with adequate, quality and timely services: ensure that the region meets international standards for access to human rights such as water, education, health, housing, the right to work, the right to development and the right to more helpful. poverty.
  • Ensure the food security of the region by implementing local policies on agriculture, livestock development, and land and infrastructure development that ensure regional food security. Contribute to the control of national prices by ensuring that the country exports more than it imports.
  • Create jobs using sustainable innovation that exploits local resources, while ensuring compliance with national business and labor laws and international commitments.
  • Invest in research, innovation, technology and other resources that enable local and cost-effective economic creation
  • Reduce the gap between rich and poor
  1. Representing the sector at the national level. The Governor is responsible for:

Attending the Summit (between the President and the 47 Governors)
Represents the interests of the county. This includes disseminating complaints from the people about the poor performance of the national government and the performance of the national government in the region.

6. Performs all functions delegated by the national government. Perform state duties assigned by the president after negotiations
Communicate or transfer work and money from the national government to the local government if the work or power is to be effectively or efficiently used by the local government and any law its transfer is prohibited.
7. Make sure the area is secure

  1. Lead the region in implementing and reporting on respect for human rights, democratic principles and commitments under international law.
  2. Provide the Regional Assembly with comprehensive and regular reports on regional affairs, including an annual report on the status of implementation of the national plan.

10. Appointing professional and qualified people to the County Executive Committee from non-members of the City Assembly; with the approval of the National Assembly.

  1. Ensure that the members of the mayor’s committee do not exceed one third of the total membership of the district and comply with the rules, regulations and standards of public service.
  2. Supervises and motivates department community staff
  3. Identify a qualified deputy governor. The governor cannot fire his deputy.
  4. To review, approve and approve bills passed by the County Assembly and publish County Gazette notice of all policy decisions made by the County Executive Committee or the Governor.
  1. To ensure that the region can be economically viable and competitive in business and regional and international relations.

Salary of a governor in Kenya

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) has set the salary of the Governor in authority at Ksh 924,000 per month – a monthly salary of Ksh 554,000, housing allowance of Ksh 200,000 and Ksh 170,000 for trade change.
