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How to apply a Kenyan birth certificate on ecitizen

How to apply a Kenyan birth certificate on ecitizen

Last updated on October 10th, 2023 at 12:58 pm

This article is about how to apply a Kenyan birth certificate on ecitizen. Birth certificate registration is handled by the Department of Civil Registration Services (CRS). Civil Registration Services (CRS) are essential for the continuous and complete registration of people’s births and deaths.

what is Civil registration services – CRS?

It is a Department dependent on the Ministry of the Interior and the Coordination of the National Government. The Department derives its mandate from the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, Chapter 149 of the Constitution of Kenya.

These are the core mandates of CRS:

  • Registration of all births occurring in the country and of Kenyan citizens occurring abroad.
  • Issuance of birth certificates
  • Carry out recognition and re-registration at the time of legitimation.
  • Production and dissemination of statistics starting from birth certificates.
  • Safe storage of all birth documents.

Requirements of applying for a birth Certificate on ecitizen

  • Scanned copy of the identity card (ID) of both parents. Single parents can produce a their own single copy.
  • Scanned copy of the birth notification.
  • Scanned copy of the national identity document (ID) for those applicants who are over 18 years old.
  • Scanned copy of the original birth certificate for anyone wishing to replace it.

The above documents must be saved and uploaded in PDF format.

For minors, the request must be made using a parent’s eCitizen account.

How to apply a Kenyan birth certificate on ecitizen

  • Log in to your eCitizen account.
  • For those who don’t have one, you can create an account.
  • Go to the Department of Civil Registry Services and click “Get Service“.
  • Click “apply” to get started.
  • Select Birth Certificate.
  • Fill out the online application form.
  • Upload all required documents.(Scanned and in PDF format)
  • Remember to choose where you want to collect your birth certificate.
  • Once you have completed the form, click “continue” to proceed with the payment of your request.
  • Choose the payment method you want to use.
  • You will be asked to pay Ksh. 180.
  • Print the invoice and use it when necessary.

Once your birth certificate is ready for collection, an SMS will be sent to you.

requirements to collect birth certificate

When collecting your birth certificate, make sure you bring with you:

  • Original ID of the parents.
  • Payment invoice
  • Original birth notification.

Important: Anyone requesting new birth certificates must do so within 30 days of their date of birth.

NB: Not all birth certificate applications are being done online (which is the future of birth certificate applications)

These requirements are necessary whether you are applying online or not

The requirements for a birth certificate include the following;

  1. Birth notification
  2. Identification of both parents/Death certificate if parents are deceased

People who are eligible for this service include:

  1. Parents/guardians of a newborn
  2. Rescue centers/orphanages that take care of the child

Cost: Unamended birth certificate: Ksh 60

Requirements Kenyan Birth Certificate Application if not using ecitizen

If you are a first time parent, that is, enroll your newborn baby who is less than six months old. This is the best time because it is easier to complete the process. This is a fundamental step in a child’s life because it marks the first step towards being officially recognized by the State as a citizen of this country.

Requirements to apply for a birth certificate in Kenya:

  • A copy of the child’s father’s identity document.
  • A copy of the birth notice.
  • The original birth notice.
  • Your ID card
  • A fare of Ksh 90/- Ksh 200/- (price may change from time to time). Application forms (BDA – Birth and Death Registration Form) duly completed.

Please note that the birth certificate is provided free of charge if the request is made within the first six months of birth. However, a fee of Kshs 50 is charged to facilitate the process. The cost is different for late registration or for registration as an adult.

All you need to do is obtain, complete and submit a form from the District Birth and Death Registry. However, if your child was born at home, the deputy head can register births in your locality. In Nairobi, all deliveries are registered at the town hall.

Can I apply for Kenyan birth certificate online?

Yes, go to ecitizen

How much is birth certificate application in Kenya?

Cost: Unamended birth certificate: Ksh 60

Birth certificate with changes to the child’s names: Ksh 100

Birth certificate with changes in parents’ names: Ksh 100

Birth certificate with changes to the names of the child and parents: Ksh 140
Deadlines: 10 days

How much is birth certificate application ecitizen in Kenya?

Kes 180

What are the requirements for application of birth certificate?

  1. Birth notification
  2. Identification of both parents/Death certificate if parents are deceased

How long does it take to process a birth certificate in Kenya?

It should take about 10 days ideally

How long does it take to get a birth certificate at Huduma Centre?

It should also take about 10 days ideally

How do I know if my birth certificate is ready for collection?

You get notification through your phone or email

what do i need to collect a new birth certificate?

  • Original ID of the parents.
  • Payment invoice
  • Original birth notification.

For late birth cerfiticate applications, click here

For more information or clarifications, kindly contact Department of Civil Registration Services

department of civil registration services contacts

Phone Numbers: +254 (0) 1100 333 232 / +254 710 200 232

