7 Jun, Friday
requirements for filming in Kenya

requirements for filming in Kenya

This article focuses on the requirements for filming in Kenya.

These requirements apply to foreigners or foreign companies wishing to operate in Kenya.

Filming rights/licenses are issued by Kenyan film production companies.

The Kenya Film Classification Board is a state agency mandated by the Film and Sports Act,

Chapter 222 of the Constitution of Kenya to regulate the production,

  • exhibition,
  • possession,
  • distribution and
  • exhibition of films in the country.

Requirements for filming in Kenya

1. authorization

One must write a letter requesting a license and fill out an application form which will be sent to the Film Licensing Authority, the Kenya Film Classification Board.

This application must be accompanied by a copy of the essay, editorial report and an outline.

Shooting licenses for movies, films, short films, music videos, corporate videos and commercials are granted after a few minutes of request.

Requests for TV series and movies are processed within 48 hours of request.

2. Import duty

An import tax of 1% or Ksh 30,000, whichever is less, is levied on the total amount of goods imported per shipment. (Funding agents will be paid in Kenya).

3. immigration

There are no restrictions in Kenya on the number of foreign sailors or artists who can enter Kenya with a visitor’s permit, before the photography permit is processed.

This costs Kshs 15,000 per person and must be paid to the Immigration Service Department.

4. local agent

You will need to have a local theater agent who will handle location checks, transportation, hotel reservations, theater permits and shipping.

A list of authorized regional film agents may be obtained on request from the Film Licensing Authority.

5. Cost of filming/rates

  • Documentaries, short films and films will cost Ksh 5,000
  • Feature films, TV series Kshs 15,000
  • Daily shooting fee is Ksh 1,000
  • The annual registration fee for artists is Kshs 12,000
  • Annual corporate renewal fee of Kshs 12,000

Kenya Film Classification Board Contacts

Head Office Location: Uchumi House, 15th Floor, Nairobi.

Contacts: 0711 222 204, 0777 753 355

