27 Jul, Saturday
top marketable d plus courses in kenya

8 top marketable d plus courses in kenya

These are the top marketable D plus courses in Kenya. With D+, one can study certification and technical courses in various fields. Many courses are offered in TVET.

top marketable d plus courses in kenya

Here is a list of the best D+ marketing courses in Kenya.

1. Certificate in Social Work and Community Development

It is a good course that is offered in many institutions of higher education in the country.

It provides everyone with the necessary skills and knowledge to work or participate in community development and to solve social problems that may exist in the city or town.

With this course, you can get good opportunities in NGOs.

2. Certificate in electrical installation / wiring

This is a commercial course that equips you with the necessary skills to become a self-employed or self-employed person, especially working in the electrical installation.

3. Certificate in building and construction

It is a technical course that equips you with the skills necessary to succeed in the lucrative construction industry. It is well taught in TVET.

4. Certificate in Food/Production Technology

It is a marketing process that prepares for a job in the hospitality industry or food processing industry. There are many hotel schools in the country.

You can enroll in any course and study the course thoroughly.

List of best colleges in Kenya

5. Certificate in food and accommodation

It is also one of the best hospitality courses to study in the country. By studying this book, you will gain the skills to work in any area of ​​the hospitality industry.

6. Certificate in Television and Film Production

This is a good course, especially for those interested in film and production, especially program production, whether commercial, television or radio.

You will not have the opportunity to show your work, especially with the high number of openings of television and radio in the country.

7. Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics

Nutrition and dietetics is a highly marketable field of study where you gain the skills to work as a nutritionist and nutritionist.

You can get good opportunities whether you are self-employed or working in an organization.

8. Certification in Counseling Psychology

Counseling psychology is a marketable field of study that involves training people to help manage the emotional and physical symptoms of a mental health problem or disorder, with the goal of improving the well-being of those affected.
