14 Jul, Sunday
nairobi national park - entry fees and what to expect

nairobi national park – entry fees and what to expect

This article is about Nairobi national park – we tell you the entry fees and what to expect. This is a unique national park located in the vicinity of Nairobi city. Access to the parking is easy and is one of the best ways to spend leisure time. Today we tell you everything you need to know about Nairobi National Park.

The Park Next Door

  • Location: Imagine this: Nairobi National Park is your next-door neighbor, just 7 kilometers from Nairobi’s bustling heart. It’s not just any neighbor; it’s a whole national park, and that’s a bit extraordinary.
  • Only in Nairobi: Here’s the kicker: Nairobi is the world’s one and only major city with a full-blown national park as its close buddy. This park is like a wild playground right in the city’s backyard.

City Living, Wild Visitors

  • The “Big Five” Close-Up: Nairobi National Park is like a special zoo where you can see all the “Big Five” – lions, leopards, buffalos, rhinos, and elephants. It’s like having your personal African safari, without leaving the city.
  • More Than Just Five: But it’s not just about the Big Five. The park is a wildlife paradise with giraffes, zebras, hyenas, cheetahs, hippos, crocs, and over 400 types of birds. It’s like an animal kingdom party, right in your neighborhood.
  • Baby Elephants Next Door: Did we mention there’s an elephant orphanage in the park? The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust takes care of adorable baby elephants, and you can visit them. You can even “adopt” one to support their journey back to the wild.

Scenic Beauty and Chill-Out Spots

  • City Meets Savanna: While you’re hanging out with the animals, you get the Nairobi skyline as a stunning backdrop. It’s like having a front-row seat to nature’s blockbuster.
  • Dam Dwellers: There’s a big dam in the park where hippos and crocs like to sunbathe. And if you’re into bird-watching, you’re in for a treat.

Activities to Get Wild About

  • Safari Time: Game drives are the star attraction. Whether you’re riding with a guide or taking the wheel yourself, morning and late afternoon are the golden hours for wildlife spotting.
  • Snap Away: If you’ve got a camera, this place is a goldmine. The mix of wild animals and the cityscape is a photographer’s dream.
  • Picnic Paradise: There are cool spots for picnics. Pack your snacks, grab a blanket, and enjoy the great outdoors with some pretty amazing neighbors.

Keeping It Wild and Safe

  • Wildlife Guardians: The Kenya Wildlife Service and other groups work hard to keep this place safe for animals and a ton of fun for visitors like you.
  • City Critter Challenges: Being so close to the city has its quirks. Sometimes animals decide to explore the urban area. Efforts are underway to make sure everyone gets along peacefully.

Top Tips Before You Go

  • Best Times to Visit: If you want the wild experience of a lifetime, plan your trip during the dry season, from June to September and January to February. That’s when animals gather around the waterholes and put on a show.
  • Easy Access: Nairobi National Park is so close, it’s a breeze to get to from the city. Whether you’re a local looking for a quick escape or a tourist wanting a taste of Africa’s wildlife, this is your spot.
  • Play It Safe: Rules are there to make sure everyone, animals and humans alike, stays safe and has a blast. Stick to your vehicle in most places and remember to respect the animals’ space.

entry fees

Vehicle Entry Fees

Less Than 6 SeatsKes 300
6 – 12 SeatsKes 1,030
13 – 24 SeatsKes 2,585
25 – 44 SeatsKes 4,050
45 Seats And AboveKes 5,000
1 – 3 TonsKes 515
4 – 7 TonsKes 2,155
8 Tons And AboveKes3,015

Aircraft Single Landing Fees

Up To 3 SeatsKes 300
3 – 6 SeatsKes 500
7 – 14 SeatsKes 1,000
15 – 20 SeatsKes 2,155
21 Seats And AboveKes 3,015

For more information on charges, click here

nairobi national park rules and regulations

  • Driving in the park is only allowed between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm.
  • The speed limit in the park is 50 km/h and 25 km/h in Nyerere park. Animals always come first.
  • Don’t give food to the animals. This will disrupt their diet and lead to unnecessary dependence on others.
  • Do not remove, cut or destroy any vegetation or remove anything of biological interest, including eggs, bones and trophies.
  • Camping is only permitted at designated sites. Picnics are only permitted at designated sites.
    Do not disturb or harass wildlife in any way. Radio and music players are banned.
  • Please do not imitate animal sounds, clapping or car hammers, or arrows. Do not throw things to attract the animals’ attention.
  • Keep your trash in the car until it can be properly disposed of later at your vacation home or park. Litter can suffocate or harm animals and birds.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited during the safari and cigarettes are disposed of properly at all times. Smoking can start wildfires that can destroy vegetation and cause wildlife and humans to suffer.
  • Do not burn or ignite. If you are camping, be sure to turn off your lights properly.
  • All visitors must stay in their cars within 200 yards of each game.
  • Parking is prohibited in the park except in designated areas.
  • Stop your driver from approaching the animals (25 meters). Lions, cheetahs and leopards are often feared; vehicles can prevent them from hunting or cause them to give up their hard-to-get food. Your driver may be sidelined and/or fired.
  • Pets are prohibited in the park.
  • The use of drones is prohibited in any camp.

In a Nutshell

Nairobi National Park is like a secret garden where the city’s high-rises rub shoulders with the savanna’s wildest residents. It’s a chance to get face to face with Africa’s most incredible creatures, right on your doorstep. Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast, a city slicker yearning for a wild escape, or simply someone who thinks giraffes make the best neighbors, this park is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, right in your own backyard. So don’t miss out on the chance to see the wild side of Nairobi.


How much is entry fee to Nairobi National Park?

AdultUS$ 40US$ 60Ksh 400Ksh 500
Child***US$ 20US$ 20Ksh 215Ksh 215
Student****US$ 20Ksh 215Ksh 215

What is special about Nairobi National Park?

It is the only national park in the world located in a city

Can I visit Nairobi National Park without a car?

No. You have to be in a vehicle and stay in it everywhere else inside the park. Have your hotel book a cab to drive you round, or get yourself a cab for half a day. Roughly Kes 4000 should be enough, plus entrance fees

What is the cheapest way to visit Nairobi National Park?

Using the big Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) bus that leaves the main gate at 2pm on Sundays for a 2½-hour tour. You are expected to have booked prior.
