12 Jul, Friday
tsavo national parks - entry fee and adventures

tsavo national parks – entry fee and adventures

This article is about Tsavo National Parks. We tell you the entry fees and all the possible adventures within the largest national park in Kenya. Tsavo East and Tsavo West combined will give you more than you asked for, starting from incredible scenery to the big 5 and world class lodges. These undoubtedly are some of the most fun places within Kenya.

Adventures in Tsavo National Parks: Kenya’s Big Wilderness

tsavo national park location?

Okay, Tsavo National Parks are in Kenya, kind of in the middle between Nairobi and the beachy city of Mombasa. And get this, they’re huge, covering an area that’s about the size of Vermont – over 8,000 square miles!

What Makes Tsavo Special?

So, Tsavo is actually two parks – Tsavo East and Tsavo West. Each has its own cool stuff.

Landscape and Geography:

  • Tsavo East is like a big open playground with wide plains, a long plateau called Yatta, and a river called Galana that’s got lots of palm trees.
  • Tsavo West is more diverse with hills from ancient volcanoes, green riverbanks, and this sweet spot called Mzima Springs where you can see hippos and crocs up close.

Wild Neighbors:

If you’re into wildlife, Tsavo’s got you covered with the “Big Five” – lions, elephants, buffalos, leopards, and rhinos.But that’s not all.

You’ll see giraffes, zebras, impalas, and a ton of birds – like over 600 different kinds!

The Incredible Mzima Springs:

Tsavo West has this magical place called Mzima Springs. The water there is so clear, and they have these special underwater viewing spots where you can watch hippos and crocs doing their thing.

Rhinos and Conservation:

Tsavo is like a safe haven for black rhinos, who are sadly endangered. The park works hard to protect them from poachers.

Volcanoes and Stuff:

Tsavo West has some leftover goodies from ancient volcanoes – cool lava flows and a place called Chaimu Crater.

Mudanda Rock Fun:

Tsavo East rocks with Mudanda Rock, this massive rock that acts like a water magnet. Animals come from all around for a sip.

Adventures and Safari Fun:

What can you do here? You name it: game drives, guided walks, bird watching, and camping. Tsavo’s all about adventures.

Culture and History:

You can also dive into the local culture. The Giriama and Waliangulu tribes live nearby, and their history adds depth to your visit.

Getting There

No worries about how to get in; there are plenty of gates you can use, and it’s easy to reach by road from Nairobi and Mombasa.

Protecting the Wild

Tsavo’s like a superhero for the environment. The park takes care of nature and fights against poaching, making sure the place stays wild and wonderful.

Tsavo National Park lodges

Tsavo East National Park Lodges:

  1. Voi Safari Lodge: This place is up high, giving you awesome park views. They’ve got comfy rooms and a pool to cool off after your safari.
  2. Ashnil Aruba Lodge: Right by Aruba Dam, this spot has big rooms, a pool, and a deck to spy on wildlife.
  3. Sentrim Tsavo Safari Camp: It’s all about tents here, with cozy setups right in the heart of the park.
  4. Galdessa Camp: If you’re into a fancy eco-camp experience by the Galana River, this one’s for you.

Tsavo West National Park Lodges:

  1. Kilaguni Serena Safari Lodge: This lodge is famous for its watering hole, where animals come to chill. They’ve got great rooms, a pool, and a clear view of Mount Kilimanjaro.
  2. Severin Safari Camp: Looking for fancy tents and epic views? This camp’s got you covered.
  3. Sarova Salt Lick Game Lodge: It’s all about living in the trees near a watering hole. Super unique!
  4. Ngulia Safari Lodge: On the Ngulia Hills, you’ll get killer panoramas and comfy rooms.
  5. Finch Hattons Tsavo Camp: This is where luxury meets the wild. They’ve got posh tents and top-notch service.

These lodges have something for everyone, whether you’re ballin’ on a budget or looking for a high-end safari experience. Make sure to book ahead, especially if you’re visiting when the park is poppin’ with tourists. That way, you’ll have a rad place to crash while you soak in the Tsavo vibes.

tsavo national park fees

CategoryFees (Kshs)
Citizen515 Kshs215 Kshs
Resident515 Kshs215 Kshs
Non-Resident52 US$35 US$

For more information, go to

In a Nutshell

Tsavo National Parks are Kenya’s gift to nature lovers and adventurers. If you’re into wildlife, breathtaking landscapes, and the African wilderness, Tsavo is your playground. It’s a colossal adventure that you don’t want to miss out on!


Why is Tsavo National Park famous?

Large herds of elephants and captivating landscapes. Tsavos combined are form the largest national park in Kenya

What is found in Tsavo National Park?

Great mountainous scenes and the big 5 – black rhino, Cape buffalo, elephant, leopard, hippo and Masai lion

What is unique about Tsavo East National Park?

Elephants,Rhino, buffalo, lion, leopard, pods of hippo, crocodile, waterbucks, lesser Kudu, gerenuk and the prolific bird life – 500 recorded species

What is the difference between Tsavo and Masai Mara?

Tsavo West is a wild and broken land of volcanic hills, black lava flows and dense acacia woodland. This makes game viewing harder. Masai Mara is has open plains and is bigger in size. Mara plains are reknown for the great wildebeest immigration

Tsavo National Park famous entry fees

Citizen515 Kshs215 Kshs
Non-Resident52 US$35 US$
