7 Jun, Friday
top 6 Best Businesses In Kenya to start with Small Capital

top 6 Best Businesses In Kenya to start with Small Capital

This article is about top 6 Best Businesses In Kenya to start with Small Capital. The city of Nairobi has long been the business center of East Africa. Activities in Nairobi include the trade of agricultural products, real estate industries, the tourism sector and the export and import of economic goods. Being the capital city of Kenya, Nairobi is the trading powerhouse of the country offering the citizens a variety of business opportunities.

Best Businesses In Kenya to start with Small Capital

1. Sale of Mitumba clothing

Many young people are turning to the sale of second hand clothes. Malls in cities or residential areas have shops or stalls selling this clothing. It is a favorite business idea as it generates profits quickly. For example, most women in Nairobi offices are afraid to go to Eastleigh to buy quality cheap bags and clothes; those ladies who are knowledgeable take advantage of it.

You can buy a bag for Ksh 900 and sell it for Ksh 3,000 which is a gold mine. The good thing about this business is that you don’t need a physical location, just have a Facebook page and get as many friends as possible to introduce yourself to the offices.

2. Poultry farming

Instead of being employed and earning a taxable monthly salary of Ksh 15,000, why can’t you try poultry farming? This business isn’t difficult to start, especially if you have a small piece of land, less than a quarter of an acre. 

3. Garage

Just try this and tell me the result. 

4. Car wash

There are millions of cars circulating on the streets of Nairobi. Since most people live in rented apartments, they prefer to take their vehicles to the car wash for cleaning.

I can attest that none of the people with car wash businesses in Nairobi are making a loss.

5. Shoe shine

Shoe shine business is easier to start as long as you have Ksh 15,000 in your pocket for license and equipment. It can sometimes be tricky to have a shoe shine space in Nairobi CBD but what you need to do is approach any of the City Hall staff and speak to them kindly.

6. Barbershop

To open a barbershop you need a chair, a car that costs less than 5000 Ksh, denatured alcohol, a mirror, a towel and of course skill. All these things will require less than Ksh 20,000. What will require a good quantity is the room in which your company will operate. 

If it is educated, unemployed and lives in Nairobi, try to open a Berberes shop instead of remaining inactive at home; It can be a turning point for you.
