13 Jul, Saturday
Lake Nakuru National Park - entry fees and attractions

Lake Nakuru National Park – entry fees and attractions

This article is about Lake Nakuru National Park – entry fees and attractions. The park is known for flamingos but is home to a wide variety of wild animals besides the natural rift valley phenomenal scenes. Today we tell you why this is one of the most fun places you can visit while in Kenya.

Lake Nakuru National Park: Kenya’s Wild Paradise

Lake nakuru national park location

Okay, so Lake Nakuru National Park is smack-dab in Kenya, within Nakuru county, about a 2-hour drive from Nairobi. It’s not too big, covering around 73 square miles, but it packs a punch in terms of natural awesomeness.

Crazy Cool Animals and Plants

This place is like a zoo without the cages. You’ve got rhinos, lions, leopards, buffalo, giraffes, and a bunch of other cool critters hanging out. But it’s not just the big guys; it’s the bird paradise. More than 450 bird types call this place home, with flamingos stealing the show with their pink plumage.

Meet the Star: Lake Nakuru

The park gets its name from the star of the show, Lake Nakuru. This lake isn’t your typical blue; it’s got this pink thing going on. That’s because of all the flamingos chowing down on algae. The lake’s also a hangout spot for loads of other birds. It’s like a bird party 24/7.

Landscape, Baby!

It’s not all about the animals here. The park’s got some pretty sweet views. You’ve got woodlands, grasslands, cliffs, and rocks. And you can climb some hills to catch epic views of the lake and the whole area. Insta-worthy, for sure!

Save the Rhinos

Lake Nakuru Park is a superhero when it comes to rhinos. They’re endangered, and this place is like their fortress. They’ve got serious anti-poaching action going on, making sure rhinos are safe and sound. But it’s not just about rhinos; they’re protecting other species and their homes too.

Fun Stuff to Do

So, what can you do here? Well, plenty! You can take a safari drive to see animals in action, go for a walk with a guide, or just chill out and watch birds. There are spots for picnics and camping if you want to stay a bit longer and soak in all the wild vibes.

lake nakuru national park entry fees and charges

So, you want to visit Lake Nakuru National Park, right? Well, here’s the scoop on the entry fees and charges. Keep in mind, these prices might change, so it’s smart to check the latest info on the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) website or give them a shout for the most up-to-date prices.

If You’re Not from Kenya (Non-Residents):

  • Grown-ups pay $60.
  • Kids between 3 and 18 years old pay $35.

If You’re a Resident of Kenya:

  • Adults cough up Ksh 1,000.
  • Kids between 3 and 18 years old pay Ksh 500.

If You’re a Citizen of Kenya:

  • Adults pay Ksh 800.
  • Kids between 3 and 18 years old pay Ksh 200.

Just remember, these are the fees I knew about up until September 2021. But prices can change, so double-check with the Kenya Wildlife Service to be sure you’ve got the most accurate info for your visit. Enjoy your trip to Lake Nakuru National Park!

lake nakuru national park fees table

Lake Nakuru National ParkCitizenResidentNon-Resident
Adults KSH Child KSH Adults KSH Child KSH Adults USD Child USD

For more information and upto date information about charges, go to

rules and guideline within lake nakuru national park

  1. Park Hours: The park is typically open from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Make sure you plan your visit within these hours.
  2. Entry Fees: Pay the required entrance fees, which may vary for citizens and non-citizens. Check the latest fee information before your visit.
  3. Stay on Designated Roads: When on a safari drive, always stick to the marked roads and tracks. Off-road driving is not allowed to protect the park’s ecosystems.
  4. Speed Limits: Observe speed limits within the park to ensure the safety of wildlife and visitors.
  5. No Littering: Keep the park clean by disposing of your trash in designated bins. Littering is not only unsightly but harmful to the environment.
  6. No Disturbance: Do not disturb, feed, or harass the animals. Keep a safe distance and maintain silence to avoid scaring the wildlife.
  7. No Pets: Leave your pets at home. Domestic animals are not allowed in the park.
  8. Camping Regulations: If you plan to camp, use designated camping sites, and adhere to the park’s camping regulations.
  9. No Fires: Lighting fires is strictly prohibited within the park. Use designated cooking facilities in designated areas.
  10. Respect for Plants: Do not pluck flowers or damage vegetation. The park’s flora is just as vital as its fauna.
  11. Guided Tours: It’s highly recommended to hire a licensed tour guide for a more informative and safe visit.
  12. Safety Regulations: Stay in your vehicle during game drives and keep doors locked. In case of emergency, contact park authorities.
  13. Photography and Filming: Photography and filming for commercial purposes may require permits. Check with park authorities for the specific rules.
  14. No Hunting or Fishing: All hunting and fishing activities are strictly prohibited within the park.
  15. Respect Local Communities: If you interact with nearby communities, be respectful and sensitive to their culture and traditions.
  16. No Night Driving: Driving within the park after dark is not allowed, except for park-authorized activities.
  17. Follow COVID-19 Guidelines: Be aware of any specific health and safety guidelines, including mask-wearing and social distancing, that may be in effect due to public health concerns.

The Bottom Line

Lake Nakuru National Park is Kenya’s way of showing off its natural wonders. It’s got everything from wildlife to fantastic views and it’s serious about keeping it all safe. For nature lovers, bird nerds, and anyone who’s up for some wild adventures, Lake Nakuru National Park is a must-visit. It’s a taste of East African magic in a laid-back, natural setting.


How much does it cost to get into Lake Nakuru National Park?

East African citizensChildren/students860 kshs
Adults215 kshs
Foreign residentsChildren/students1,030 kshs
Adults515 kshs

Click for details

Why is Lake Nakuru National Park famous?

 millions of flamingos

What animals are in Lake Nakuru National Park?

Black and white rhinos,Cape buffalo, African wild dog, zebra, eland, waterbuck, leopards and lions

Is Lake Nakuru National Park worth visiting?

Yes, has a wide variety of wild animals
