12 Jul, Friday
Wards In Siaya County

Wards In Siaya County

This article is about Wards In Siaya County. Siaya is one of the 47 counties of Kenya which is located in the Nyanza Region within the Lake Victoria Basin. It has an area of ​​2,530.5 km2 and a population of 842,304 people.

The county seat is located in Siaya town.

Siaya County has 6 sub-counties which are divided into 30 wards which we have listed below.

Wards In Siaya County

UgenyaWest Ugenya, Ukwala, North Ugenya, East Ugenya
UgunjaSidindi, Sigomere, Ugunja
Alego UsongaUsonga, West Alego, Central Alego, Siaya Township, North Alego, South East Alego
GemNorth Gem, West Gem, Central Gem, Yala, Township, East Gem, South Gem
BondoWest Yimbo, Central Sakwa, South Sakwa, Yimbo East, West Sakwa, North Sakwa
RariedaEast Asembo, West Asembo, North Uyoma, South Uyoma, West Uyoma