12 Jul, Friday
how to apply for firearms license in kenya today - comprehensive guide

how to apply for firearms license in kenya today – comprehensive guide

This article is about how to apply for firearms license in Kenya. Owning a gun legally in Kenya is not as hard, the process is straightforward but requires a number of background checks. The bodies involved include Firearms Licensing Board and Central Firearms Bureau.

1. Check If You’re Eligible

First things first, make sure you’re eligible to rock a firearm license in Kenya. You gotta be:

  • A Kenyan citizen, no surprises there.
  • At least 21 years old, so you can’t be a teenager with a Rambo dream.
  • Have a legit reason to own a gun, like self-defense, being a shooting champ, or a pro gig (security or hunting).
  • Keep your record clean – no serious criminal stuff.
  • Be mentally stable and cool-headed.
  • Show you know your firearm ABCs by passing a safety course.

2. Hit Up a Firearm Safety Class

You’re gonna need to go to one of those firearm safety courses. They’ll teach you how to handle your weapon like a pro, aim right, and make sure you’re not breaking any laws.

3. Gather the Docs

Get your paperwork in order, dude. You’ll need:

  • Grab an application form, you can snag one from the Central Firearms Bureau.
  • Prove you’re a Kenyan with your National ID or passport.
  • Get yourself a certificate of good behavior from the cops.
  • Show ’em you’re making money (bank statements or payslips will do).
  • Passport photos for your license.
  • Get your buddies to write reference letters vouching for you.
  • Write down why you need that gun and keep it real.
  • Prove you’ve got a secure spot to stash your piece, like a locked-up gun safe.

4. Hand In Your Application

Once you’ve got all those documents together, submit your application to the Central Firearms Bureau. Don’t forget to ask them about the current application fee – you don’t want any surprises.

5. They’ll Check You Out

The Bureau is going to dig into your life – background checks on your history and stuff.

6. The Interview

You’ll probably have to sit down for a chat with a licensing officer. Be ready to explain why you want a gun and show off your gun knowledge.

7. Wait It Out

After you’ve done your part, there’s a waiting game. It can take a few months, so don’t sweat it.

8. License in Hand

If they give you the green light, you’ll get that precious firearm license. It’ll say what kind of gun you can own and any rules you gotta follow. Read it and know it.

9. Buy Your Piece

With your license in your wallet, you can hit up a licensed gun store and buy your firearm. Just remember to follow all the rules and laws while doing it.

10. Keep It Current

Your license isn’t forever. It’ll come with an expiry date, usually 1 to 3 years. When it’s getting close to expiring, make sure you renew it. Check in with the Central Firearms Bureau to keep everything legal.

faqs about how to legally own a gun in kenya

1. Who is eligible to own a firearm in Kenya?

To be eligible to own a firearm in Kenya, you must be a Kenyan citizen, at least 21 years old, have a genuine reason for firearm ownership (self-defense, sport shooting, or professional use), have a clean criminal record, demonstrate mental stability, and complete a recognized firearm safety course.

2. How can I apply for a firearm license in Kenya?

To apply for a firearm license in Kenya, you need to follow these steps:

  • Attend a firearm safety course.
  • Gather the required documents, including an application form, proof of citizenship, a certificate of good conduct, financial documents, passport photos, character references, a genuine reason statement, and proof of secure storage.
  • Submit your application to the Central Firearms Bureau and pay the application fee.
  • Undergo a background check and interview.
  • Wait for the application to be processed.
  • If approved, receive your firearm license.
  • Purchase a firearm from a licensed dealer.
  • Renew your license when it expires.

3. What is a genuine reason for owning a firearm in Kenya?

A genuine reason could include self-defense, sport shooting, or professional use. You must provide a clear and valid explanation for needing a firearm in your application.

4. How long does the firearm license application process take?

The processing time can vary, but it often takes several months from the submission of your application to the issuance of a license.

5. Can foreigners own firearms in Kenya?

Generally, firearm ownership is limited to Kenyan citizens. Foreigners may be allowed to possess firearms in exceptional cases, such as for diplomatic purposes or in specific professional roles like security personnel.

6. What types of firearms are allowed for civilian ownership in Kenya?

The type of firearm allowed for civilian ownership is typically specified in your license. Commonly, shotguns and handguns are issued for personal protection, while long guns may be used for sport shooting.

7. Are there restrictions on where I can carry my firearm?

Yes, there are restrictions on where you can carry your firearm. Firearms should not be carried in public places, and they must be securely stored when not in use.

8. What are the responsibilities of a firearm owner in Kenya?

Firearm owners are responsible for safely storing their firearms, using them only for the purposes stated in their license, and complying with all firearm laws and regulations. Negligent use or unauthorized use can result in the revocation of the license.

9. Can I sell or transfer my firearm to another person?

The sale or transfer of a firearm to another person is subject to strict regulations. You should consult with the Central Firearms Bureau or local authorities for guidance on the legal procedures for selling or transferring a firearm.

10. How often do I need to renew my firearm license?

Firearm licenses in Kenya are typically issued for a limited period, often one to three years. It is the responsibility of the firearm owner to renew their license before it expires to maintain legal ownership.

Functions of Central Firearms Bureau Vs Firearms Licensing Board
